RebuildPlugin - Rebuild your arena in one click!
Version: v0.9.2 - UPDATE 12 MARCH 2012
Required: WorldEdit
Translate: Français
Config: here
@ANNOUNCEMENT by samoht2401
Adrenalineq, does'nt look to have time to develope this plugin then I (samoht2401) posted my code for all of you who want to update it. I let you all rights on it, you can create a new project, just take a part of code... I just want you to don't make money on it. If you remake the same plugin with my code, please, write my name.
samoht2401, dont have anymore time to develope this plugin then i (Adrenalineq) update this plugin and make this work with newest Minecraft version 1.2.3 :)
- Tomorrow maybe for two days i change design this topic :P
Tired of having to rebuild your arena after each fight? So this plugin is for you! Thanks to him, you can rebuild your entire arena in one click!
This plugin consists of simple commands allows you to easily select your chosen area and then to modify and manage easily all your arena.
Copy jar file to your plugins folder, and restart/reload your server.
How to use:
- Select an area with wand of WorldEdit plugin.
- Use command /rb create <name> to create new arena at the selection. (<name> is name of arena has to create.)
- Use command /rb addto <name> or /rb subto <name> to add or subtract your selection to arena (<name> is the name of the arena has to change.)
- Fight you! With Tnt and creepers!
- Use command /rb rebuild <name> to rebuild arena. (<name> is the name of arena has to rebuild.)
Additional commands:
- /rb help to display help.
- /rb list to display name of all existing arenas.
- /rb remove <name> to remove arena. (<name> is the name of arena has to remove.)
- (Automatically call when you stop your serve) /rb save [name] to save arena’s data. ([name] is the name of arena has to save its data, if [name] is not specified, data of all arena will save.)
- (Automatically call at startup) /rb load to load data of all arena. (WARNING : All modification of arenas after the last /rb save will lost.)
- /rb langue <language> to choose the language in which the plugin will answer to you. (This is only applies to players who run this command. For now you can choose between English and French, for any proposed translation, contact me.)
- /rb visualize <name> to see the limits of an arena. (<name> is the name of arena has to remove.) Currently, the limits of the arena are represented by glass blocks. They are included in the arena.
- Easily rebuild area.
- Easily selection and modify of area.
- No drop system on arena.
- Infinite items system on arena.
- Sign support : First line : [Rebuild] Second line : <name>
- Restore chest content !
- Permission support.
- Two languages available : English and French.
- And future addition.
Presentation video:
How to use sign:
- Place sign.
- Write "[Rebuild]" on first line.
- Write the name of arena to rebuild on second line.
- Valid. (You must have permission "rebuildplugin.sign.create"!)
- Right clic on sign to rebuild arena or power sign with redstone to rebuild arena.
- Warning, even players without the permission "rebuildplugin.rebuild" will be able use the sign.
Permissions nodes:
- "rebuildplugin.list" gives permission to use /rb list
- "rebuildplugin.create" gives permission to use /rb create*
- "rebuildplugin.remove" gives permission to use /rb remove
- "rebuildplugin.rebuild" gives permission to use /rb rebuild
- "rebuildplugin.addto" gives permission to use /rb addto*
- "rebuildplugin.subto" gives permission to use /rb subto*
- "" gives permission to use /rb save
- "rebuildplugin.load" gives permission to use /rb load
- "rebuildplugin.changelangue" gives permission to use /rb langue
- "rebuildplugin.visualize" gives permission to use /rb visualize
- "rebuildplugin.sign.create" gives permission to create sign with rebuild fonction.
* Requires the right to select an area with WorldEdit.
Version 0.9.2
- Commands now can be executed from console (when you see big error while typing rb, rb rebuild dont worry and ignore it xD) - thanks to samoht2401 for help :P
- Small fixes ;)
Version 0.9
- Small fixes
- New language added: Polish
Version 0.8
- New event system
- Config load correctly
- Changed deprecated methods to new
Version 0.7
- added config.
Version 0.6
- added no drops system on arena and infinite system on arena.
Version 0.5
- now the content of chest, furnace, dispenser will be restore. The note of note block will be restore and text on sign will be restore too.
- Burning furnace will be whole restore. (cook time, burning time...)
- fixed /rb rebuild, now the arena will be whole restore, there will be no missing torch or other missing object.
- WARNING : Make save of your arena before update your plugin. In fact if your arena contain some chest, furnace, dispenser, sign or note block, you must rebuild and remove your arena before update plugin. Then you will be able to recreate the arena.
Version 0.4
- added the sign support.
- added the redstone support to sign.
- fixed /rb langue, the save wasn't done correctly.
Version 0.3
- added the /rb visualize to see the limits of an arena.
Version 0.2
- added the /rb langue to choose the language of the plugin. (English - French)
Version 0.1
- First publication of this plugin.