Toggle Blocks with Redstone!
Fun Fact: RedBlocks has more features than ControllerBlockWE and is faster!
RedBlocks will even convert your ControllerBlocks to RedBlocks!
- Toggle Blocks On and Off with Redstone
- Multiple Players Can Edit The Same RedBlock
- Can Toggle More Than One Type of Block
- Uses WorldGuard and GriefPrevention
- Uses Bukkit Permissions
- Efficient Data Processing and Handling
- Converts ControllerBlock to RedBlocks if necessary!
- redblocks.worldedit [Add/Remove Blocks to RedBlocks via WorldEdit]
- redblocks.reload [Reload RedBlocks]
- redblocks.use [Edit RedBlocks]
- redblocks.delay [Add Delays to Children of RedBlocks]
- redblocks.createanddestroy [Create and Destroy RedBlocks]
- redblocks.bypassProtect [Bypass Block Protection by RedBlocks]
- redblocks.bypassWEMax [Bypass the maxAtOnce config]
- redblocks.optionsProtect [Set the "protect" option]
- redblocks.optionsInverted [Set the "inverted" option]
- redblocks.optionsOwner [Set the "owner" option]
Quick Documentation
Creating a RedBlock
By default, RedBlocks are Iron Blocks.
- Place an Iron Block (or whatever it is in the config)
- Place a Redstone wire above the block.
- Hit the RedBlock to begin editing.
- Place the blocks you want it to control.
- Hit the RedBlock again to save.
Destroying a RedBlock
By default, the destroy tool is a Stick.
- Simply hit the RedBlock with a stick while sneaking.
Using WorldEdit
- Select your region to add to the RedBlock.
- Hit the RedBlock [Enter Edit Mode]
- Type: (/rb add) to add blocks in the selection ; (/rb remove) to remove blocks in the selection
- Hit the RedBlock [Exit Edit Mode]
Converting from ControllerBlock
- Remove the ControllerBlock plugin
- Simply run your server with the RedBlocks plugin
- RedBlocks will notify you that the ControllerBlock plugin has been converted
What's UUIDFetcher?
The UUIDFetcher is used by RedBlocks to convert the owner's name stored in previous versions to the new UUID format used in newer versions of Minecraft and RedBlocks. This plugin uses evilmidget38's version of UUIDFetcher.
Update Checker
- This plugin includes an update checker that accesses BukkitDev to compare its version with the most recently uploaded version.
- This feature can be disabled by setting the configuration value of "checkForUpdate" to false.
Upcoming Features
- RedBlocks 2.3.1
- Bug fixes
- Performance, Speed, and Reliability.
RedBlocks on BitBucket
RedBlocks is now on BitBucket!
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have NOT been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Download RedBlocks 2 DEV from Bamboo