RegionMarket - Sell and rent your regions!
What is RegionMarket?
RegionMarket is a plugin which allows you to sell and rent WorldGuard-regions on your server. It's very lightweight and will be updated and improved constantly.
How does it work?
RegionMarket is using signs to let the players rent and sell their regions very simple.
Why use it?
Selling regions is a very important thing for servers (e.g. CityBuild). This plugin provides a really simple solution for this.
- sell and rent regions for money
- Vault support
- a lot of customizing possibilities
- taxes!
- show buying/selling history
- maximal sign-limits
- WorldGuard
- Vault
The signs
1. line: [Sell] (can be edited in config)
2. line: Name of the region to be sold (leave empty for the region the sign is standing on)
3. line: price (use . for decimal numbers, e.g. 28.5)
4th line doesn't matter.
1. line: [Rent] (can be edited in config)
2. line: Name of the region to be sold (leave empty for the region the sign is standing on)
3. line: price (use . for decimal numbers, e.g. 28.5)
4. line: rent-duration (some examples: 20 minutes = 20 m ; 1,5 hours = 1 h 30 m and so on.)
- /regionmarket list (alias: /rm list) - Show your buying and selling history.
- create a sell-sign: rm.sell.create
- create a rent-sign:
- buy a sell-region: rm.sell.use
- rent a rent-region:
- break sign/rent-signs of other players: rm.admin
#RegionMarket configuration file v1.1 #interval rent-regions should be updated #in seconds #set this higher if plugin is causing lags rentinterval: 60 #amount of maximal rent regions a player can have #-1 = infinite maximalrentregions: -1 #amount of maximal sell regions a player can have #-1 = infinite maximalsellregions: -1 #maxrenttime in seconds maximalrenttime: -1 #first line for rent-signs rent: '[rent]' #first line for sell-signs sell: '[sell]' #tax #in percent taxrent: 0 taxsell: 0
Empty at the moment. If you have a nice idea just write into the comments or write me a PM. Any suggestions would be appreciated!