- 1
#689 opened by Stevenjose25 - 1
[BUG] Horses can destroy fields
#692 opened by DakirDev - 1
[BUG on sponge server] command problem
#693 opened by Chazzie - 0
[BUG] players can use rp define without permission
#694 opened by CloudeLecaw - 4
[BUG] Zone is deleted with / rp redefine
#695 opened by Blueeyestar - 0
[Suggestion] Usable blocs
#696 opened by Melvout - 2
farmland get destroyed
#697 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
Problem with Dynmap?[BUG]
#698 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
Can I set the fee to create a region
#699 opened by kelvinChanHK - 1
Redprotect ListGUI
#700 opened by CloudeLecaw - 3
Old permission format reference
#701 opened by CanusLupus - 0
irritateing bypass permission logic
#702 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[BUG] No claim greeting with an entity
#703 opened by aurel85 - 2
normal player can use /rp define without permission for it
#704 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
#705 opened by Qkzoh - 1
[BUG] PVP flag not working
#707 opened by SnowyB1 - 0
#706 opened by giverplay - 2
[BUG] API event EnterExitRegionEvent bug
#708 opened by cool9850311 - 0
Actionbar in enter, exit and welcome messages
#709 opened by Kjettinge - 2
[BUG] Considerable performance issue - PlayerMoveEvent
#711 opened by antisoma - 2
[Bug] Pixelmon, duplication of clear bell and Tidal bell
#712 opened by baptistedavid - 4
#714 opened by EvanDrakes - 0
[BUG] command-on-damage Problem
#713 opened by Blueeyestar - 1
[BUG] Custom admin flags being erased after reload
#716 opened by WGOS - 1
[BUG] not so much a bug, but i cant access discord. How do i change my wand from the glass bottle to something else 1.16 version of minecraft
#718 opened by Jimmay1 - 0
[Suggestion/Bug?] Allow Sleeping in Beds
#721 opened by Red3Tango - 1
[BUG] Alias with /rp wand & /rp welcome
#722 opened by aurel85 - 1
Quebrar cana de açúcar fora da RP
#723 opened by comonier - 1
rp redefine own (player) [Sugestão]
#724 opened by comonier - 1
Use-Potion Flag
#725 opened by Mawobi - 1
Admin Infowand
#726 opened by Mawobi - 1
[BUG] CarryOn Mod Block Duplication
#727 opened by MCUmbrella - 2
[BUG] Region missing after claiming
#728 opened by WickedSik - 1
[Suggestion] Block-transform flag : farmland
#729 opened by Melvout - 3
#731 opened by WolfyRed - 3
[BUG] Claim and block limit can be bypassed by adding leaders on creation with sign
#730 opened by Olexorus - 3
[Suggestion] New deny-place and deny-break Flag
#732 opened by Mawobi - 1
flag ignored when sitting in cart
#733 opened by CloudeLecaw - 4
many flags dont work when driving into a zone (1.16.5)
#735 opened by CloudeLecaw - 0
new region flag playercollision
#736 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
Error with dynmap on rp reload[BUG]
#737 opened by CloudeLecaw - 0
region flag for disabling pulling of fishing rods and knockback effects
#739 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[BUG] No impact of flag "allow-potions"
#740 opened by Mawobi - 4
[BUG] Mob Spawning in Nether even if all mobs are disabled (via region flag)
#741 opened by R3miiTV - 1
double config value?
#742 opened by CloudeLecaw - 7
[BUG] Fishing npc
#743 opened by MikaCookies - 1
[Suggestion] Support float number in cost-per-block
#744 opened by MCUmbrella - 3
#745 opened by MikaCookies - 0
#746 opened by MizukageMaTes - 0
[BUG] Redprotect is not respecting vanished player in Tabcompletation
#747 opened by CloudeLecaw