Region Restore is a plugin that can save an area quickly and efficiently to a unique .yml file. It can restore this region's blocks with a command. This command will read from the .yml file and the region's area will be restored, hence Region Restore.
commands: regionrestore: aliases: [rr, regionres, rgrestore, regres] usage: /<command> [list/tool/save/restore/delete] permissions: regionrestore.*: description: Gives access to all Region Restore commands children: regionrestore.command: true regionrestore.tool: true true regionrestore.list: true regionrestore.delete: true regionrestore.restore: true regionrestore.bypass: true regionrestore.command: description: Allows a player to use command /regionrestore default: op regionrestore.tool: description: Allows a player to use the selection tool default: op description: Allows a player to save a region default: op regionrestore.list: description: Allows a player to list all regions default: op regionrestore.delete: description: Allows a player to delete a region default: op regionrestore.restore: description: Allows a player to restore a region default: op regionrestore.bypass: description: Allows a player to bypass protection of a region default: op
messages: NoPermission: '&cYou do not have the permission %permission%' OnlyPlayers: '&cOnly players may use this command.' FileDoesNotExist: '&4Error: &cThe file %name%.yml does not exist.' NoDeleteConfig: '&cYou can not delete the config.yml' SuccessfulSave: '&aRegion %name% saved successfully in %time%s' UnsuccessfulSave: '&cRegion %name% saved unsuccessfully. Erorr printed in console.' SuccessfulDeletion: '&a%name%.yml successfully deleted.' BypassProtectionDisabled: '&cBypassing Protection has been disabled.' RestoreSuccessful: '&aSuccessfully restored %name% from %name%.yml in %time%s' EnablingBypassProtection: '&6Bypassing Protection: &aEnabled' DisablingBypassProtection: '&6Bypassing Protection: &cDisabled' RegionOptions: Protection: true BlocksThatCanBeBroken: [BED_BLOCK] RegionsDisabled: [] #The debug message will send you the name of a block after it is hit. This is to obtain the block name if unknown. DebugMessageBlockName: false #Dependent on protection. If protection is false. TNT will be enabled anyways TNTExplosions: false