


This free version will no longer get updates! Consider getting the improved premium version of this plugin which has many improvements and will continue to get new features!

 About RegionClaim
Do you want your users to easily claim their base and keep it safe with WorldGuards protection standard, while you retain full control? Tired of manually creating predefined regions for people to claim? Then RegionClaim is the plugin for you!

RegionClaim allows people to create regions through its own very user-friendly command. The claim size, the number of claims a person may create and which settings will be set on them is highly configurable. You can use three permission levels with different settings for each. Under the hood it uses WorldGuard’s amazing API, making the regions both very well protected and adding almost no extra weight to your server!

Key features
Extremely user friendly

To make claiming easy to use for inexperienced players, I made this plugin as user friendly as possible. The main command has many different help messages, guiding a user though its usage in a constructive manner. It gives clever suggestions for mistyped commands, hinting at possible options. On top of that every command has full tab autocompletion making it much easier to use!

Highly configurable
I really think that a plugin should allow you to configure all its aspect for maximum flexibility. Of course you can change how many claims users may make, and what size these can be for all three permission levels. You can also set which WorldGuard flags will be set on users claims. Since version 2.2 my plugin also has Vault support, so it works with any Economy plugin out there.
As a bonus every user message can be changed, optionally allowing you to change it to your language!

As this plugin is built upon WorldGuard’s API to handle events it adds almost no extra load to your server!

The plugin validates its configuration on launch to guarantee an invalid configuration won’t break anything. If it finds any errors it lets you know exactly what should be fixed!

Getting started

From version 2.2.0 onwards, this plugin requires Java 8 or higher.
Download the jar file from the top of this page and put it in your plugins folder. Reload/restart your server and you are done! Keep in mind that this plugin uses WorldGuard, which in turn uses WorldEdit, so these should be installed as well if not already present.

Claiming a region
First set the outer boundaries of the area you want to claim using /claim setpos twice. This will take the block you are standing on at that moment as the boundary. Then do /claim create my_house (or any other name of course) to create a protected region. This region will be vertically expanded automatically, meaning the ground below and sky above are also part of your claim! You won’t be able to create overlapping claims (and can’t claim over other WorldGuard regions).


  • /claim help - Displays help message explaining usage (unrecognized commands will also show this message)
  • /claim setpos - Selects the block you are standing on as a boundary for a new claim
  • /claim create <region_name> - Creates a new claim with the second argument as the name
  • /claim remove <region_name> Removes your claim with the name provided (if it exists)
  • /claim show <region_name> - Gives the coordinates of a user’s claim. Also displays the border interactively using particles!

If inviting is allowed for the user's permission level

  • /claim invite <region_name> <player_name> - Invite a friend to your claim, who will then also be also to build there! You will still remain the owner of the claim
  • /claim uninvite <region_name> <player_name> - Remove someone you had invited from your claim

All these commands show custom help messages when used without the correct arguments.

For administrators only
This command won’t appear in the tab completion and of course requires a different permission.

  • /claim resetconfig - Reset the config.yml file to its default. This will overwrite your own configuration file and should be used with care.

To able to claim, users need at least claim.min. Setting multiple permissions for a user will give them the settings for the highest given level. In brackets is the default setting for the permission. I highly suggest using a permission manager to handle permissions properly.

  • claim.min (true) - corresponds to the lowest permission level (referred to as ‘minimum’ in configuration)
  • claim.normal (op) - corresponds to medium permission level (referred to as ‘normal’ in configuration)
  • claim.max (op) - corresponds to the highest permission level (referred to as ‘maximum’ in configuration)
  • claim.admin (op) - Allows you to reset the configuration file

The configuration has a lot of settings and allows you to customise many aspects. This is of course optional, as it has sensible defaults. For specific details about a setting please read the comments above each setting in the config file or ask a question (see below).
The configuration is split into two sections:

The first one deals with settings about claims. Just like the permissions it has three permission levels, allowing custom settings for each of them. As of now you can set all WorldGuard flags of the ALLOW or DENY type. To get a full list see all flags labeled ‘state’ on this wiki. Unrecognized flags will simply be ignored and a message will be shown in the console.

The second section is about the messages shown to a user when using the claim-command. The messages can use color-codes using the §-symbol, see this resource for a full list. Some messages allow for arguments to be passed in, such as a claim’s name or size for example. This is done by putting the name of the argument between curly braces, for example ‘{region_name}’. Which argument is applicable where is explained in the comment above the message. Not including the argument will work as well, but the message might be less helpful to users.

Donate? :)
If you really like this plugin, you could consider making a one time donation to my PayPal. This allows me to continue improving and expanding the functionality of this plugin!

Questions, bugs or feature suggestions?
Feel free to ask a question about the plugin in the discussion page. If you have an idea how this plugin could be improved let me know!