



RegionShop allows you to turn any WorldGuard region into a shop. It also comes with a item search engine and a shop warp system. You search for a specific item, simply warp to a shop and buy it. It supports enchantments and potions as well as damaged and custom renamed items.


Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.

GitHub Bamboo build server wiki


  • Create shops with WorldGuard regions
  • Admin/server shops
  • Warp to shops
  • Search in all shops for a specific item
  • Easily add items to the Shop via the 'Quick Add' mode
  • Converter to provide a easy switch from ChestShops to RegionShop
  • Optional ChestShops (not depending on a region)
  • Filter System for Search

Planned Features


  • Split Shops (all Items belong to the Shop. The money gets split)
  • Event Shops (with random / configurable items)
  • Dynamic Shops (Auctions, Sales)
  • Webinterface


rs.command.addAdd items into a RegionShop/shop add <sell> <buy> <amount>
rs.command.buyBuy items from a RegionShop/shop buy <shopItemId> <amount>
rs.command.detailDetail view of a Items/shop detail <shopitemid>
rs.command.equipToggle "fast equipe mode" (inside a RS)/shop equip
rs.command.filterFilter search results/shop filter <filter syntax>
rs.command.helpShow RegionShop help pages/shop help [page]
rs.command.listList items inside a RS / list shops outside a RS/shop list
rs.command.nameRename a RS/shop name <new name>
rs.command.removeDelete item from the stock of a RS/shop remove <itemid>
rs.command.resultShow results of a search query/shop result <page>
rs.command.searchSearch for items/shop search <itemname/itemid>
rs.command.sellSell items to a RegionShop/shop sell
rs.command.setSet price and amount of the item/shop set <shopitemid> <sell> <buy> <amount>
rs.command.shopTeleport to the shop warp/shop teleportation to specific shops/shop <name or id>
rs.command.transactionShow all transactions/shop transaction [page]
rs.command.admin.reloadReload configs and language files/shop reload
rs.command.admin.setteleportSet TP point for /shop/shop admin setteleport
rs.bypass.addBypass owner check for adding items into a RegionShop
rs.bypass.equipBypass owner check for "fast equipe mode"
rs.bypass.nameBypass owner check for renaming a RS
rs.bypass.removeBypass owner check for deleting itmes
rs.bypass.setBypass owner check for setting prices and amounts
rs.bypass.chestshopAllow to look into ever ChestShop
rs.bypass.destroy.chestshopAllow removal of ChestShops
rs.bypass.destroy.customersignAllow removal of RS signs
rs.sign.customerCreating RS signs (customer signs)
rs.sign.shopCreate ChestShops
rs.sign.customer.buyAllow buying via RS sign (customer signs)
rs.sign.customer.sellAllow selling via RS sign (customer signs) buying via ChestShop selling via ChestShop


To read a howto...


  • WorldGuard
  • WorldEdit
  • Vault
  • Any of the Vault supported economy systems


  • Essentials
  • ChestShop (only needed for converter)


Quote from author:

Please delete ALL tables inside the database if you want to use any newer Version!

More informations about the standard configuration.

More informations about the expert configuration.


  • This plugin uses MCStats.
  • To configure the Database check the config.yml.
