


Automatically Clean Up Abandoned Chests, Furnaces, Anything!

Ever been on a server that is so loaded with abandoned chests and other items that you have to walk miles (well, lots of blocks) just to find some where to build? Well then your server admins need this plugin!

This plugin lets an operator place a special sign on items like chests or furnaces that tells the owner to remove the item or it will automatically be removed by the expiration time.

All the operator has to do is click on the object to be flagged for removal while holding a sign, and RemoveThis automatically generates a sign and schedules a removal time.

For example the sign might look like this:

RemoveThis Sign

This created sign is placed on the item and is unbreakable by players. After the set expiration time the sign and the flagged item will be removed automatically, this includes any items that may be inside the removed item (i.e a chest full of items, everything will be deleted).

Future releases will also add the ability to remove a cuboid region instead of just one item.

This is aimed at cleaning up all the abandoned chests, furnaces and other items that end up lying around on many servers.


Simply copy the RemoveThis.jar file to your server's plugin folder and reload your plugins or restart your server.


No configuration is necessary but you can change the amount of time before the flagged items are deleted.

Run RemoveThis at least once and it will generate a config.yml file in the RemoveThis Folder inside your plugins folder. Change the time value in the config.yml file to the amount of time you would like, save the file and then reload your plugins or restart your server.


Setting permissions isn't required, but the following permissions exist if you would like to use them:


Description: Place RemoveThis Sign and Schedule Item Removal

Default: op


Description: Delete RemoveThis Sign and Scheduled Item Removal

Default: op

RemoveThis Sign on a Chest