== rEssentials ==
Version: 1.5
A powerful plugin with default commands, like /freeze, /tp, /home, /kick and much more! In use on my server. I GET MOST IDEAS FROM ESSENTIALS, BUT DIDNT STEAL A LINE OF CODE. IF YOU DONT BELIVE ME, Y U NO DECOMPILE IT?
- custom-drops - If true, bookshelves will drop bookshelves, glass drops glass .....
- classic-mode - If true, it will broadcast kicks, bans, ipbans, unbans and everything like in big classic servers.
- disabled-commands - Syntax; /command1,/command2. Disables command only if rEssentials owns it.
- default-stack-size - Default stack size when player makes /give and /i and /stack
- player-color - Default color for player names
- broadcast-format: format of /say and /broadcast. %player = name, %msg = msg
- message-format: Format for messaging in chat. %player, %suffix, %group, %world, %message and %prefix is available.
kits can be set in kit.properties file. it will be created when someone performs /kit, or you just create it yourself. permissions: ressentials.kit.NAME default:
- tools:278:1,279:10
That will give a user who issues /kit tools 1 diamond pickaxe, and 10 diamond axes.
- /back - ressentials.back - Teleporting back to players last location.
- /day - ressentials.time.set - Sets worlds time to day
- /freeze [Player] <Reason> - ressentials.freeze - Freezes player.
- /give [Player] [Item] <Amount> - ressentials.give - Gives player Amount of item.
- /item:i [Item] <Amount> - ressentials.item - Gives player Amount of item
- /god <Player> - ressentials.god.own for yourself, else ressentials.god.others - God Mode.
- /heal <Player> - ressentials.heal.own for yourself, else ressentials.heal.others - Healing player
- /home <Player> - ressentials.home.own for yourself, else ressentials.home.others - Teleporting to players home.
- /jail [Player:Create:Delete] <Jail> <Reason> - ressentials.jail - Jails player in jail, or just unjailing player. or creating or deleting jails.
- /kick [Player] <Reason> - ressentials.kick - Kicks player
- /kill [Player] - ressentials.kill.own for yourself, else ressentials.kill.others - Kills player
- /tell:msg:t [Player] [Message] - ressentials.msg - tells player message.
- /mute [Player] <Reason> - ressentials.mute - Mutes player.
- /night - ressentials.time.set - Set time to night
- /save - ressentials.save - Saves all worlds and players
- /sethome [Player] - ressentials.sethome.own for yourself, else ressentials.sethome.others - Sets players home at your location
- /spawnitem [Boat:Minecart:Poweredcart:Storagecart] <Amount> - ressentials.spawnitem - Spawns entity at your location
- /spawnmob [Mob] <Count> - ressentials.spawnmob - Spawns mob at players location
- /time [Night:Day:Dusk:Dawn] - ressentials.time.set - Sets time in world
- /tp:tele [Target1] <Target2> - ressentials.teleport.own for teleporting to people, ressentials.teleport.others for teleporting players to other players
- /tphere [Target] - ressentials.tphere - Teleports player to you.
- /who:list - ressentials.who - Shows online players.
- /warp [Warp:Create:Delete] <Name> - ressentials.warp.control for creating and deleting, else ressentials.warp.to
- /weather [Sun:Storm:Thunder] - ressentials.weather - Changing world weather.
- /reply:r [Message] - ressentials.reply - Replys to the person last messaging you.
- /setspawn - ressentials.setspawn - Sets worlds current spawn
- /spawn <World> - ressentials.spawn - Warps to current worlds spawn
- /sun - ressentials.weather - Set current worlds weather to sun
- /stack - ressentials.stack - Refills stack in hand
- /experience:exp [Give:Take:Set] <Player> [Amount] - ressentials.experience.own for self, else ressentials.experience.others - Changes players experience points.
- /creative:cr <Player> - ressentials.creative.own for self, else ressentials.creative.others - Sets players game mode to creative or survival.
- /reload:rel - ressentials.reload - Reloads server.
- /ping - No permissions - Returns pong
- /banip [Player:IP] - ressentials.banip - Bans Players ip if he is online, else it bans IP.
- /afk - ressentials.afk - Sets players status to afk
- /ban [Player] <Message> - ressentials.ban - Bans player, and displays message each time he tries to connect!
- /unban [Player] - ressentials.unban - unbans player
- /insta - ressentials.insta - Turns on insta block breaking
- /kickall <Message> - ressentials.kickall - kicks all players
- /strike [Player] - ressentials.strike - Putting a lightning on players head.
- /nick [Reset:Name] <Player> - ressentials.nick.own for self, else ressentials.nick.others - Changing nicknames
- /loc:location [X] [Y] [Z] - ressentials.loc - Teleports to that location
- /find [Player:X] <Y> <Z> - ressentials.find - Locates that player or position on compass
- /gentree [TreeType] - ressentials.gentree - Generates a tree at your position
- /whois [Player] - ressentials.whois - Allows seeing that players info
- /top - ressentials.top - Teleports to highest point at your location
- /re:ressentials [Clear:Reload] - ressentials.admin - Debug commands
- /j:join [World] - ressentials.join.WORLDNAME - Teleports to spawn in that world
- /broadcast:say [Message] - ressentials.broadcast - broadcast message
- /stop <Message> - ressentials.stop - Stops server with message.
- /repair - ressentials.repair - Repairs item in hand.
- /tpall - ressentials.tpall - Teleports all online players to your location.
- /replacer:repl [Block] - ressentials.replacer - Replacer tool with right clicking.
- /kit [Kit] - ressentials.kit.NAME - Kit command