

RevertedPack is a combination of a few plugins that I made, and will have more features that go beyond those.

Note that in the command descriptions below and in the help info for this plugin. Anything inside <> is a required parameter and anything inside [] is an optional parameter.


  • /spawn [world] - Teleports player to the spawn point of the specified world, but if no world is specified then then teleport to the spawn location of the current world.
  • /setspawn - Sets the current world spawn location to the players current location.
  • /bed - Teleports the player to their bed location.
  • /getpos <player> - Returns the location of the specified player.
  • /setpos <player> <x> <y> <x> [world] - Teleport a player to an exact location of a specified world, but if no world is specified, then teleports them to an exact location of the world they are in.


  • RevertedPack.spawn - Gives access to the /spawn command.
  • RevertedPack.setspawn - Gives access to the /setspawn command (defaults to op)
  • RevertedPack.bed - Gives access to the /bed command
  • RevertedPack.getpos - Gives access to the /getpos command (defaults to op)
  • RevertedPack.setpos - Gives access to the /setpos command (defaults to op)