RocketChat Relay

RocketChat Relay


This plugin integrates your Minecraft server with a Rocket Chat server, posting player chat messages, death messages, and join/quit messages to a configured Rocket Chat server and channel with the configured user name.


Post player chat messages in a Rocket Chat channel.

Post player death messages in a Rocket Chat channel.

Post server events (server started/stopped) in a Rocket Chat channel.

Toggle chat/death/server events on and off in configuration file.


In your Rocket Chat server create a user that will be used to post messages. Note down the password.

In your Rocket Chat server create a channel that will be used to display minecraft chat/death/etc messages.

Add the created user to the channel.

Run the plugin to generate the default config.yml. Edit config.yml to point to your Rocket Chat server, channel, and created user. Add your password and configure which messages you would like to see.

Restart your server or reload your plugins and this plugin should be working. Any errors are printed to the console, if you cannot see messages being posted check your server logs.

Future Work

Relay Rocket Chat messages to the Minecraft server. E.g. posting in a Rocket Chat channel will post the same message in the Minecraft server.

Use permissions when relaying Rocket Chat messages to Minecraft server. E.g. only certain users messages will be relayed to Minecraft server.

Add configurable users for different message types. E.g. using a different Rocket Chat user for chat messages and death messages.

Allow configuration to be changed through console/in game.

Source can be found on github