


RocketJump - Allows users to launch themselves into the air via an explosion:

Version: v1.1.1

This plugin allows users to launch themselves into the air via an explosion. The idea came to me while playing TF2, so as you might imagine, the functionality is much like the rocket jump in that game. And allows users to teleport to their compass destination.


  • Allows users to launch themselves when they right click the ground under them with a stick
  • create an explosion on the area that was clicked
  • be sure to either op those who u want to have access or give them the jump.rj node
  • use command /rj to enable rocketjump* added ability to teleport to your compass destination (left clicking the block under u with a stick)
  • added ability to temporarily set you compass location by right clicking a block with an arrow in your hand
  • added ability to reset you compass destination by left click a block with an arrow in your hand


  • jump.rj - allows usrs to jump (see youtube clip)
  • teleport.rj - allows users to set, reset, and teleport to their compass destination (Clear on logoff)


•add config.yml


• Special thanks to @Elvis for inspiration, all contributors to this thread.