


This page is still a work in progress.

Rotates most blocks that can be rotated.

Redstone, Workstations, Beds, Chests, Slabs, Stairs, Heads, Fence Gates, Terracotta, Armorstands, Rails, Chain, Trapdoors, Doors, Endrods, Logs, Bells.

Right Click a block, if it doesn't rotate, try Shift Right Clicking it.

Some blocks will rotate one way on Right Click, and another way on Shift Right Click.



# DO NOT CHANGE VERSION<br />version: 1.0.12<br /><br /># change to false to stop auto-update-check<br />auto_update_check: true<br /><br /># set to true before sending a log about an issue.<br /># logs trace data required to pinpoint where errors are.<br />debug: false<br /><br /># Language Selection - Not currently used.<br />lang: en_US<br /><br /># Enables fancy ANSI colors in console. (Disable if you're getting weird characters in the console)<br />colorful_console: true<br /><br /># List of worlds that player's can not use RotationalWrench. CaSe sensitive (world, world_nether, world_the_end)<br />blacklist: <br /><br /># Number of milliseconds between clicks, to prevent click spam. 1000 is 1 second<br />spamfilter: 250<br /><br /># Enabled<br />enabled:<br /># Can players rotate anvils?<br />  anvil: true<br /># Can players rotate armor stands?<br />  armorstands: true<br /># Can players rotate banners?<br />  banner: true<br /># Can players rotate polished basalt?<br />  basalt: true<br /># Can players rotate beds?<br />  beds: true<br /># Can players rotate beehives and bee nests?<br />  bee: true<br /># Can players rotate bells?<br />  bell: true<br /># Can players rotate bone blocks?<br />  bone: true<br /># Can players rotate buttons?<br />  buttons: true<br /># Can players rotate campfires?<br />  campfires: true<br /># Can players rotate carved pumpkins and jack-0-lanterns?<br />  carvedpumpkin: true<br /># Can players rotate chain?<br />  chain: true<br /># Can players rotate chests?<br />  chests: true<br /># Can players rotate coral fans?<br />  coral: true<br /># Can players rotate doors?<br />  doors: true<br /># Can players rotate end rods?<br />  endrod: true<br /># Can players rotate fence gates?<br />  fencegates: true<br /># Can players rotate heads?<br />  heads: true<br /># Can players rotate ladders?<br />  ladder: true<br /># Can players rotate lanterns?<br />  lantern: true<br /># Can players rotate logs?<br />  logs: true<br /># Can players rotate pillars?<br />  pillars: true<br /># Can players rotate rails?<br />  rails: true<br /># Can players rotate redstone?<br />  redstone: true<br /># Can players rotate shulker boxes?<br />  shulker: true<br /># Can players rotate signs?<br />  signs: true<br /># Can players invert slabs?<br />  slabs: true<br /># Can players rotate stairs?<br />  stairs:<br />    rotate: true<br />    invert: true<br /># Can players rotate terracotta?<br />  terracotta: true<br /># Can players rotate torches?<br />  torch: true<br /># Can players rotate trapdoors?<br />  trapdoors:<br />    rotate: true<br />    invert: true<br /># Can players rotate workstations?<br />  workstations: true<br /># Still to do,  fixed double chests sortof


    description: Shows RotationalWrench help.
    usage: /<command> 


    description: Shows player that there is a version update.
    default: op
    description: Allows the player to use "/rwrench reload" command.
    default: op
    description: Allows the player to use "/rwrench toggledebug" command.
    default: op


For help you can post issues and suggest ideas on my discord server.

This plugin utilizes bStats to collect anonymous statistics

If you like this, check out my other plugin,

SinglePlayerSleep, NoEndermanGrief, PortalHelper,

DragonDropElytra, ShulkerRespawner, MoreMobHeads,

SilenceMobs, VillagerWorkstationHighlights,
