I have decided that we are going to be merging all of the RPG style plugins into a single plugin, Servers that want to only use a few features from them will still be able to do so through our config files. The RpgAPI page we have will be the one the plugin gets released on. It is taking a bit longer than expected to get them all updated but we are trying to make them as configurable as possible so every server can use them exactly how they want to.
RPG Spawns
Major overhaul with V1.5!!!
Added locale settings into the default config to allow you to determine what commands give what messages on your server!
This plugin is designed to give servers a more dynamic spawning system, by taking players to the closest respawn point to where they died.
this also allows players to ressurect other dead players at their own loacation!!
/spawns add {name} - adds a new spawn point on your current world named {name}
/spawns del {name} - gets rid of the spawn point on your current world named {name}
/spawns list - lists all spawn points on your current world
/spawns tp {name} - teleports to the spawn point on your current world named {name}
/spawns reload - Op only command to reload the config file after you've made changes to it! no more server restarts needed!
/rez {playername} - ressurects a dead player at your location if they are within 30 blocks.
by default only ops have access to any commands.
- spawns.add (add new spawn points to your current world)
- spawns.del (delete spawn points from your current world)
- spawns.list (list all spawn points on your current world)
- (teleport to spawn points on your current world)
- spawns.res (use the /res playername command)
when used with essentials in the essentials config.yml you must set it's spawn priority to any setting below highest.
When used with multiverse this will override multiverse spawn settings.
If you have not set any spawns on your current world, players will respawn at the world default spawn location.
My RPG Plugins
Rpg Click