The plugin is not going to be continued on it's own, you'll find a rewritten and much better version in
At the moment the plugin is in alpha state and I just created the armor-part yet.
Basicially it creates items and armor with unlimited durability.
Actually you dont need any commands yet and there is no config.
I'm planning to add a config to decided which items are unlimited.
Also there is the idea to let the items (or only the armor) lose durability
on dead.
Note: I'm (G4meM0ment) student and need money to finish my driving license. So if you want I would add special features and ideas for you to the plugin for a little donation. PM me!
- unlimted items
- unlimited armor
- supported by CraftBukkituptoDate
- /rpgitem reload | Reloads the config
- rpgitem.reload | Allows to reload the config via command
- rpgitem.admin | Full access to rpgitem
Thanks to kumpelblase2 for helping me with the variable code ;)
Other plugins I'm working on:
You can donate to G4meM0ment via paypal to the email [email protected]