RPGplugin 1.6 by. mavaan//
You need to install Vault plugin to make this work!
Newest version here [Craftbukkit-1.4.7-R1.0]:
DOWNLOAD HERE: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/rpgplugin/files/27-rpgplugin-v1-6-1/
New VotifierCommand is out! Take a look ->
Buy me a cup of coffee :D Then i can make updates faster!
Use /rpghelp ingame command to get help!
UPDATE 1.6.1:
- 1.7.1 compatible
UPDATE 1.55 R2:
- New feature to miner: only miner can place ore blocks
- Bug fixing
- Something new things
- Custom jobs!!!!(beta feature, edit customJobs config file to make jobs!)
UPDATE 1.4.95:
- Updated to 1.3.1
- Some fixes
UPDATE 1.4.9:
- Removed debug message!
- Added job bypass to OPs
- Updated to Craftbukkit-1.2.5-R5.0
UPDATE 1.4.8:
- Many bug fixes
- Brand new level update system!
- More...you need to see!
UPDATE 1.4.2:
- Added feature to disable diamond tools when joined job!
- Permission support
- Jobs
- Economy with gold nuggets
- Event system
- Jail system
- Shop system(Enable on config!)
- Virtual money bank system (NEW!)
- Exp system
Jobs: - Woodcutter
- Miner
- Hunter
- Guardian
- farmer
- fisher
- Shopper(coming)
Commands: - Rpgplugin -Help
- Rpgjob help - tells about plugin
- Rpgjob join <job> - join to job
- Rpgjob reset <player> -reset players job
- Rpgjob list -list all jobs
- Rpgjail set - set server jail (only for ops!)
- Stats -see your exp
Sign usage:
How to use event sign:
- Create sign with text Event on first line
- Then hit sign with block you need!
- Use:
- Hit sign with event block to add it to event!
Get items:
- Right click event
How to use Shop sign:
- Create sign with text Shop on first line and price on second line
- Then hit sign with block you sell!
- Hit sign with money block to buy it
Get moneys:
- Right click event
Wanted sign:
- Create sign with text wanted on first line and playername on second line!
Every job has its own features. Farmer can only farm, miner can only mine and woodcutter can only chop trees!
Players need to trade to get items!
TEST SERVER IP: We don't have test server now!