Player Commands
- /rtp - Default command. Use this to randomly teleport in your world.
- /rtp settings - Edit your player settings.
- /rtp <player> [blocks] [world] - Randomly teleport a player in your world.
Admin Commands
- /rtpa update check - Check if there is a more updated version of the plugin released.
- /rtpa update download [true/false] - Downloads an update if there is a more updated version. Selecting true will automatically restart the server once the update is downloaded.
- /rtpa reload - Reloads the plugin files.
All permissions are customizable within the config.yml file.
- randomtp.use - Allows the Players to use the randomtp command.
- randomtp.bypass - Bypasses the delay between using the rtp command.
- randomtp.admin - Allows the player access to the rtpa command and to create signs.
- [RTP] [RandomTP]
- Amount of money to charge the player when they use the sign.
- Blocks to teleport the player. If you leave this blank it will default to the constraints defined in the config.
- Name of the world you want to teleport the player to.
Check out the configuration or the lang page for more help.
If you have any problems or found some bugs, make sure to make a ticket and I will get to fixing
it as soon as possible. You can also message me on Discord at Austin#1316. Thanks!
As of 1.5.3_PreRelease-3, the plugin obtains stats from your server. This includes:
- A unique identifier
- The server's Java version
- Whether the server is on online or offline mode.
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS' version, name, and architecture
- The core count of the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by disabling Metrics globally by editing the bStats's configuration file.