Player and Region save Plugin for Bukkit Server
You can issue ingame the Commands
/savestate -o <id-of-object> -t <type-of-object> -n <name-to-save>
/loadstate -o <id-of-object> -t <type-of-object> -n <name-to-save>
to save and load an Player or Region state to or from file.
Option "-o"
Represents the Name of the Region (defined by /region define <id-of-region>) or the Playername. can be "world::region" or just "region"
In case of "-t player", the default Value is the player wich issued the command.
Option "-t"
Can be "player" / "p" or "region" / "r".
Option "-n"
A peace of the filename to handle multible States. This is optional. If the name begins with "#", is will be a shared state. (All player will access the same state) Else it will be player specific.
Save and load your own state without savename:
"/savestate -t p" and "/loadstate -t p"
Save and load your own state with savename:
"/savestate -t p -n mysavename" and "/loadstate -t p -n mysavename"
Save and load KillerGoldFisch's state to a shared state:
"/savestate -t p -n #sharedsavename -o KillerGoldFisch"
Load the shared state to Notch:
"/loadstate -t p -n #sharedsavename -o Notch"
With rules, you can define wich data of the player will be saved.
You need the Permission savestate.
Dependencys (for Regions only)
- WorldEdit
- WorldGuard
V-0.3.3 2016-05-05:
* Update to Minecraft 1.9.2
V-0.3.2 2013-06-05:
- Error reporting disableable by config file
- Added default rules
- regions are now selectable by "world::region" or just "region"
V-0.3.1 2013-06-02:
- Added Error Reporting
V-0.3 2013-05-28:
- Added "shared" player states
- Added docuented API
- Added rules
- Changed license to LGPL v2.1
V-0.2 2013-05-24:
- Default Value for "name" argument
- Shortcut for player -> p and region -> r
- Fixed "WGRegion.getSize()" bug