



ScLoad (or SchematicLoad) is a simple plugin that provide alternative way to load and place structures stored as schematic files at you WorldEdit (or ScLoad) directory. ScLoad is using configurable queue and main goal is ability to load schematics without any lags and freezes at server.

Video demo


  • Load structures from schematic file and build it in player location
  • Load structures from schematic file and build it in location defined by coordinates
  • Allows plugin's command console — you start loading schematics using the scripts or any quest engine.

Why do I want it?

If you need to load schematics without any lag and kicking off your players you need this plugin.


  • /scload help — shows help page
  • /scload load <filename> [<world> <x> <y> <z>] — load structure from the schematic file and build it
  • /scload list — display list of schematic files at directory
  • /scload cfg — shows configuration
  • /scload reload — reload settings from the config file

P.S. Alias for /scload command is /scl.

Configuration (config.yml)

  language: english         # language. Included languages: english, russian
  language-save: false    # Set to true if you need to edit language file (or translate plugin to another language)
  check-updates: true     
  use-worldedit-folder: true  # Load schematics from WorldEdit folder (true) or plugin's directory (false)
  blocks-per-tick: 6000         # How much blocks to place during one cycle
  delay-between-ticks: 2      # Delay (in ticks, 1 ticl = 1/20 second) between the two loops
  fast-place: false                 # Set true if you using ScLoad for editing purposes (loading big schematics) or to false if you using it during the game (for survival servers)
  use-permission-per-file: false # Set true is you going to limit access to files according to file name.


  • schematic.config - Allows to use all configuration commands and receive update notifications
  • schematic.load - Allows to use commands /scload load and /scload list
  • schematic.file - Allows to load all files using command /scload load
  • schematic.file.<filename> - Allows to load file filename using command /scload load

ScLoad and WorldEdit

ScLoad requires a WorldEdit plugin installed at your server. It uses API provided by WorldEdit to load schematic and build it. But it creates optimized queue process to build structures: group it by chunks, configurable delays and blocks per ticks parameters. And yes: ScLoad will not work if you don't have WorldEdit installed at your server.

Metrics and update checker

ScLoad includes two features that use your server internet connection. First one is Metrics, using to collect information about the plugin (versions of plugin, of Java.. etc.) and second is update checker (required to find newer version of ScLoad at If you don't like this features you can easy disable it. To disable update checker you need to set parameter "version-check" to "false" in config.yml. Obtain more information about Metrics and learn how to switch off it, you can read here.

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