

The Sculptor plugin adds a handful of tools that can be used make quick changes and fixes to your landscape. Using a series of brush like tools, you can paint land or water, clear away unwanted blocks, or a number of other useful actions.

Supported Versions: 1.8, 1.9, 1.10

Recent Changes

  • Fixed Water Tool to not go through walls (still not 100% the way I want it so it may get better in a future version)
  • Now also runs under 1.8


  • Easily draw land to a desired level with sloped edges
  • Fill areas with water to your desired water level
  • Fix broken water areas
  • Clear away land to a level surface
  • Naturalize the ground to meet your needs
  • Erase areas of trees and growth


/sculpt bind tool [arguments] - Binds the tool in hand to the specified Sculptor tool

/sculpt unbind [all] - Unbinds the current tool in hand

/sculpt undo [count] - Undo the last change or a number of changes. Undo is location based. So all the changes you make while standing in 1 location will be part of a single undo.

/sculpt list - List all current bindings

Alias: sc


Land [radius] [step] [materials ... ]
Creates a tool to create land. Left click to set the height of the land to draw. Multiple Left clicks on the same block will increase the height. Land is drawn when player right clicks. Land is drawn at the set height and radius and continues down increasing in step size each layer it moves down. Will draw a maximum of 20 layers. Only inserts blocks into air and liquid blocks. (Air, Water, Lava, etc)

Water [radius]
Creates a tool to draw water. Left click on a block to set the height of the water. Water is drawn when the players right clicks. Water is drawn at the set height and radius and continues down until it reaches a layer where there is no open blocks (AIR). This tool can be used to fill in new bodies of water or fix existing water.

Natural [radius] [materials ... ]
Creates a tool to naturalize blocks. Right clicking on a block will naturalize all blocks in a horizontal radius of the click point. Blocks are naturalized from the top most block going down.

Clear [radius] [target]
Creates a tool to remove all trees and other types of growth from an area. Growth is removed form the block the player rights clicks on within the radius and upward. Keeps clearing up until there are 5 levels that nothing was cleared. Default target is "Growth". Targets are defined in the config.yml file. (Previously called Tree in version 1.0.2 and before)

Level [radius] [max]
Creates a tool used for leveling land. Left click on a block to set the height to level the land to. Multiple left clicks will decrease the height. Right click on a block will clear everything at that block within the horizontal radius and upward. Will keep clearing up until there have been 10 levels where nothing was cleared. Default max is 125 levels.

Valley [radius] [step] [materials ... ]
Creates a V shaped valley with the bottom starting at the radius and increasing outward by step as it goes upward. Left click on a block to set the valley base height. Multiple left clicks on the same block will decrease the height. Right click on the block will carve the valley. You can specify the materials to place at the bottom of the valley. (If you want 2 layers of water for example). (Added in version 1.0.3) [If you specify materials, this tool does not repeat the last material given like the land or natural tools. Air is always used after the materials you list have been placed]

Tree [type] [height]
Creates a tree. Types include: Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Olive, Pine, TallPine and Crazy. Parameters for these types are defined in the config.yml file. New types can be added and/or parameters tweaked to get the desired look.

Replaces the block with another. Left click to select the block type to replace with. Right click to replace the block.

Line [material]
Draws a simple line. Left click to set the starting point block. Right click to draw line. Destination becomes starting point for next right click.


Radius: 1 to 5, Default 3

Step: .05 to 3, Default 1

Materials: Can be listed in order to use where the last item is repeated for all remaining levels. Material counts can be included in the format #-Material. Example: Grass 3-Dirt 5-Stone Bedrock Land/Natural Default: Grass 3-Dirt Stone. Valley Default: Air


/sculpt bind land
Creates a brush with radius 3 and a slope of 1 using the default materials of grass, 3 layers of dirt and then stone and binds it to the item in hand.

/sculpt bind land 4 .25 GRASS 8-DIRT STONE
Creates a brush with radius of 4 and a slope of .25 using the materials grass, 8 layers of dirt then stone and binds it to the item in hand. This shows a very simple island created with [land 3 1 GRASS]
Land tool example

/sculpt bind water 5
Creates a water brush with radius of 5 and binds it to the item in hand. In this picture it is being used to draw in the missing water at the same water level.
Water tool example

/sculpt bind natural 4 GRASS 3-DIRT STONE
Creates a naturalize brush with radius of 4 to convert land to have grass on top, 3 layers of dirt then stone and binds it to the item in hand.
Natural tool example

/sculpt bind natural 5 STONE
Creates a naturalize brush with radius of 5 to convert land to stone and binds it to the item in hand.

/sculpt bind valley 2 1 SAND 2-WATER
Creates a valley brush with the base radius of 2 and increasing by 1 block outward as it goes up. This places SAND at the bottom, 2 layers of Water, then AIR above. V shaped valley.
Valley tool example

/sculpt bind valley 2 1
Using the landscape from the image above and the valley tool. Create some cross cut valleys and then smooth and naturalize the results for this
Valey tool final results

/sculpt unbind
Unbinds the item in hand.

/sculpt unbind all
Removes all Sculptor bindings from your player.


/sculpt bind tree pine 15
Creates a tool to create pine trees around 15 blocks tall

Crazy trees with Olive trees as the base
Crazy and Olive Trees
Olive tree
Olive Tree
Spruce and Oak trees
Spruce and Oak Trees
Pine, Tall Pine and Jungle trees
Pine and Jungle Trees




The config.yml is written to the plugins/Sculptor folder. In this file, you can make changes to the default values for all the tools as well as set the target material types that the tools use when performing their actions.