With this Plugin you can easy trolling Players,nick players and you have a gadgets menĂ¼ for your Server!
- Troll System
- Nick System
- Gadgets MenĂ¼
- / troll [Player] crash - Crasht the Minecraft from the Player
- / troll [Player] freeze - The Player will be freezed!
- / troll [Player] gm - Change to the Gamemode 1.
- / troll [Player] unfreeze - The Player will be unfreezed.
- / troll [Player] hackmessage - A "Hackmessage" came to the Player.
- / troll [Player] tpall - Player will be teleport to the other player..
- / Troll [Player] Hacker - You came into the "Hackermode"
- / troll [Player] feuerball - You can with one stick, shot fireballs.
- / troll [Player] faketot-BW - Its came a death message.
- / nick [Nickname] - Change your name in the tablist+chat.
- SeblPlugin.troll
- SeblPlugin.nick
Comming Soon:
- Friends + Party System
- Config.yml