SendToSpawn - Send online or offline players to spawn using /sendspawn!
New in version v.3: Added functionality to send players to spawn on disconnect. When enabled, all players who disconnect will arrive at spawn upon reconnecting.
/sendspawn | Main command, takes one player argument and will tp the player to the spawn you set for the plugin (if the player is online). If the player is offline, it will set his coordinates in the config to spawn and will tp them to spawn when they log in, and will send them a customizable message. [Default is 'You were sent to spawn while you were offline.']
Example: /sendspawn StarRocket
/sendspawnset or /sps | Sets the plugin's spawn location to the location the player is at. Required permission: sendspawn.set
/sendspawnmessage or /spm | Sets the message that is displayed on login for players that were sent to spawn while offline. Required permission: sendspawn.message
Example: /spm While you were offline, you got sent to spawn!
/sendspawncheck or /spc | Returns a list of all offline players that will be sent to spawn on login. Required permission: sendspawn.check
/sendspawnreload or /spr | Reloads the plugin's config. Used for if you change the loginmessage in the config to a different message manually, without the command. Required permission: sendspawn.reload
/sendspawndc or /spsdc | Toggles the "send to spawn on disconnect" function on or off. Required permission: sendspawn.set
Do not mess with anything within config, except for the 'loginmessage' line! Editing the spawnlocation, player location coordinates, or the SpawnOnDC line may be safe, but could potentially mess something up.
OP players have all permissions included in Send To Spawn.