- 2
Forge 1.19.2-43.3.0 server crash
#29 opened by paniamaru - 7
port number support
#11 opened by entheosbardou - 6
Add a way to see if a client has the mod serverside
#12 opened by OtisGoodman - 1
#13 opened by felipeleite5w - 1
Using /fallback causes the client to get redirected
#14 opened by mja00 - 2
No Command on Fabric server
#15 opened by TheCherry - 2
Unable to connect to velocity
#16 opened by ZeroJoKCN - 4
[1.16.5] Mod Loading has failed
#17 opened by speccycy - 2
In some platforms, it will flash back when the client connection is customized
#18 opened by jxsd1234a - 4
1.19 Bukkit compatibility
#19 opened by Shad0wolf0 - 10
Question: Is IP Forwarding Required?
#20 opened by AceSardonyx - 5
[FEATURE REQUEST] Make it so Timed Out players fallback
#21 opened by Camawama - 3
[FEATURE REQUEST] Notify player when redirecting and more
#22 opened by Camawama - 2
[BUG] Timed Out when Connecting to Same IP Different Port
#23 opened by Camawama - 2
[BUG] Authentication Servers are Down Error
#24 opened by Camawama - 2
[SUGGESTION] /fb command to force fallback
#25 opened by Camawama - 3
Plugin not working
#26 opened by Neer20 - 1
#27 opened by 5ur3z - 1
Failed to connect to other servers after entering commands.
#28 opened by FnTlv - 1
Is the prerequisite for using this plug-in in Velocity that the client must be able to enter the lobby correctly?
#30 opened by kougou888 - 1
Question <=-=> Do my players need this mod?
#31 opened by TheExotik - 1
Useless once 1.20.5 is out
#32 opened by Cuteistfox - 1
[BUG] (Compatibility?) Client getting frequent lagspikes and log spam after redirecting
#33 opened by Kat-09 - 3
#34 opened by Legomountain14 - 6
Update to newest versions of Forge?
#10 opened by wolflord212312 - 3
[Question] Minecraft EULA
#3 opened by SamKemp - 1
#4 opened by DV8FromTheCode - 7
[Request] Support for Target Selectors
#5 opened by kencinder - 3
[Request] Expanded permissions
#6 opened by kencinder - 1
Incompatible with Spigot 1.13.2
#9 opened by KaiKikuchi