


This is a Simple plugin that allows your players to review and see your reviews of your minecraft server.

- /review <1-5 Star Rating> <Reason> <-- The command to rate the server
- /changereview <1-5 Star Rating> <Reason> <-- The command to change your existing review
- /deletereview [username] <-- Deletes your review. If there is a username set on argument, then you can delete someone's review only if you are OP or have the permission node.
- /reviews <-- The command to see the server reviews
- /seereview <player> <-- See what a player has reviewed the Server
- /reviewlist <page number> <-- See a list of reviews in pages
- /srreload <-- Reloads the config files

- <-- Allows /review
- <-- Allows /reviews
- serverreviews.reviewlist <-- Allows /reviewlist
- serverreviews.seereview <-- Allows /seereview
- serverreviews.changereview <-- Allows /changereview
- serverreviews.deletereview <-- Allows /deletereview
- serverreviews.updates <-- Shows new update notification on join
- serverreviews.reload <-- Allows /srreload
- serverreviews.deletereviewadmin <-- Allows /deletereview [username]


//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" alt="[​IMG]" />

//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" alt="[​IMG]" />

//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" alt="[​IMG]" />


# The Messages for the plugin, you can change if you want

ReviewMessage: '&a%player%&6 rated the server &a%stars%&6 Stars: &a%reason%'
ReviewSuccess: '&aYour %stars% star review has been successfully sent!'
InvalidArguments: '&cInvalid Arguments!'
AlreadyReviewed: '&cYou have already Reviewed this Server. To change your review, please type /changereview <stars> <reason>.'
SeeReviewMessage: '&6The User &a%player%&6 reviewed &a%stars%&6 stars for &a%reason%'
ReviewListTop: '&6Review list -- Page %page%'
ReviewListFormat: '%linenumber%. %player% reviewed %stars% stars for: %reason%'
ReviewListBottom: '&6Read next page with /reviewlist %nextpage%'
ReloadMessage: '&6Config files reloaded for ServerReviews!'
SeeReviewNeverJoined: '&cUser has never Joined this Server'
SeeReviewNoReview: '&cUser has never Reviewed this Server'
NoReviewsMessage: '&6There are no reviews yet'
UnexpectedError: '&cSomething went wrong while trying to process the command, please contact ServerReviews administrators to report this problem.'
ReviewDeleted: '&6Successfully deleted the review by &a%player%'
YourReviewDeleted: '&6Successfully deleted your review.'
ReviewDeletedError: '&cThis player hasn''t reviewed the server or they haven''t joined before'
YourReviewDeletedError: '&cYou haven''t reviewed the server.'
NoReview: '&cYou need to submit a review first to change it!'
ReviewChange: '&aYou successfully changed your review, it is now %stars% stars with your new reason.'
WrongStarRange: '&cYou must enter from a scale of 1-5 stars'
NoPermission: 'You do not have permission to use that command.'

- '&6Server rating: &a%averagestars%'
- '&6Total Ratings: &a%totalratings%'
- '&65 Stars: &a%5starcount%'
- '&64 Stars: &a%4starcount%'
- '&63 Stars: &a%3starcount%'
- '&62 Stars: &a%2starcount%'
- '&61 Stars: &a%1starcount%'