- 1
#9 opened by DanSpedey - 2
NPE when using latest version (commit 2e65bdfbae9db60e9dac30d45fb0b7947d523a76) on "tutorial" command
#11 opened by Hoolean - 1
TIME Tutorials with only one view don't work correctly
#13 opened by Trojaner - 2
Internal Server Error with KCauldron 1.7.10
#18 opened by Lachney - 6
One time tutorial
#19 opened by mrequinox3 - 5
Color codes not supported
#21 opened by DevinloperNL - 2
'timelength' for each, individual view?
#22 opened by Aerhhh - 1
Reported issues with players in spectator
#23 opened by NickParks - 0
If server crashes players get stuck
#24 opened by NickParks - 1
Problem with gamemode changing/not changeing
#25 opened by Luc8102 - 0
Problem with data.yml
#27 opened by Luc8102 - 0
Problem with chat appearing 4 times for first veiw
#26 opened by Luc8102 - 1
Multiple tutorial end commands
#28 opened - 1
Problem with Inv
#29 opened by leventinio - 0
#30 opened by AgentCortez - 1
Option to set timelength per warp view.
#31 opened by mibby - 1
Option to have multiple messagetypes per view.
#32 opened by mibby - 1
Automated flight paths for tutorial.
#33 opened by mibby - 2
Players break on tutorial end when in an opposite gamemode as the tutorial and flying prior to joining.
#34 opened by mibby - 1
Multiple commands.
#35 opened by jaroslawjanas