Simple Hub
What is Simple Hub?
Simple hub is a lightweight plugin that auto-configures your server`s hub adding some cool stuff.
- Author: Juanco
- Version: 1.1
- Official Server: <- Under Construction!
* Compatibility: 1.7 +
Simple Hub works with 2 items (by default a compass and a clock). The first item is called "Hidder", as the name says, it hides players by right clicking (no cooldown). The second item is the Menu, when you right click it, a Customizable menu opens. You can set the item id (for example, 41 is gold block, 1 is stone and so) and position of this items by commands or config.
It adds /hub and /sethub commands. /hub command teleports the player to the hub (with a custom message editable on config), /lobby works the same as /hub. /sethub command sets the hub to your current location (this sets too the hub`s world, important for some features of this plugin).
The 2 items are given to the player every time the player joins to the server, every time the player joins to the hub`s world and every time the player falls on the void (when the player falls on void, it`s teleported to the hub). Every time a player leaves the hub`s world, the plugin clear it`s inventory. It too forbid dropping, picking up or moving items on inventory on hub`s world.
Example of adding a item to the menu: /sh menu setitem test 42 5 1 &1I`m a &bTest&1!
What does it do?
- Teleports players back to hub if they fall on void on Hub`s world
- Cancells every tipe of damage on Hub`s World
- Prevents users from dropping items, picking up items and moving items on inventories
- Adds a custom hidder, which allows you to hide players (right clicking)
- Adds a custom menu!
- Color codes support!
What is a Menu?
A menu is a customizable gui for teleport players to server`s lobbies or minigames!
It`s Compatible with BungeeCord or Spigot?
Not tested yet.
- /sh help: Shows you the help page.
- /sh info: Some information about the plugin.
- /sh item <Slot|ID> <Menu|Hidder> <value>: Edit Inventory Items.
- /sh setmessage <message>: Edit the /hub message.
- /sh menu: Main Command for edit the menu.
- /sh menu name: Set the menu name.
- /sh menu slots: Set the menu slots.
- /sh menu setitem <id> <ItemID> <Amount> <Slot> <Name>: Generates a new item on Menu!
- /sh menu setitemid <id> <newItemID>: Change the ID of an item.
- /sh menu setslot <id> <newSlot>: Change the Slot of an item.
- /sh menu setname <id> <newName>: Change the Name of an item.
- /sh menu delitem <id>: Deletes an item.
- /sh menu setteleport <id>: Sets the teleport Location of <id> to your current location.
- /sh menu setmessage <id> <message>: Sets the teleport Message of <id> to <message>.
- /sh menu delteleport <id>: Removes teleport Location from <id>.
- /sh menu delmessage <id>: Removes teleport Message from <id>.
- /sh menu list: Shows you all the ids.
- simplehub.*: Access to ALL simplehub`s commands!
- simplehub.invmodify: Allows you to modify items on your inventory!
- simplehub.sethub: set the hub!
- simplehub.hub: teleports to the hub!
- simplehub.setmessage: Acces to '/sh setmessage' command!
- simplehub.dropitem: Allows you to drop items on the hub!
- simplehub.pickupitem: Allows you to pick up items on the hub!
- simplehub.item: Access to '/sh item' command!
-*: Access to all '/sh menu' commands!
- Access to '/sh menu' command!
- Access to '/sh menu name' command!
- Access to '/sh menu slots' command!
- Access to '/sh menu setitem' command!
- Access to '/sh menu setitemid' command!
- Access to '/sh menu setslot' command!
- Access to '/sh menu setname' command!
- Access to '/sh menu delitem' command!
- Access to '/sh menu setteleport' command!
- Access to '/sh menu setmessage' command!
- Access to '/sh menu delteleport' command!
- Access to '/sh menu delmessage' command!
- Access to '/sh menu list' command!