Simple Anti-Mob Lag
A lightweight plugin for reducing mob lag
On many servers, the main source of lag is ticking mobs. The purpose of this plugin is simple: freeze mobs when the server is lagging, and unfreeze them when it is not. We also try to do this in a way that does not significantly affect gameplay.
By default, we only freeze mobs in large groups while leaving lone mobs unfrozen. This means large animal farms which cause a lot of lag will be frozen, but random monsters throughout the world will not. There is also an option to use a smart scaling system to change this behaviour based on how much the server is lagging, i.e. if the server is lagging a lot, we freeze a lot. All of these features can be configured.
Installation and configuration
Installation is very simple. Just put the jar file in your plugins folder and restart or reload the server. This will generate the configuration files for the plugin in the 'SAML' folder in your plugin directory.
There's a lot for you to configure. Here's what the config file looks like:
# Do you want a config file with more options to generate? use-advanced-config: false # When the server's TPS drops below this, we will start freezing mobs. tps-freezing-threshold: 18.5 # When the server's TPS rises above this, we will begin unfreezing mobs again. # This should be higher than the tps-freezing-threshold! tps-unfreezing-threshold: 19.0 # Every how many ticks should we freeze or unfreeze mobs? There are 20 ticks per second. # Not recommended to set this below 600. ticks-per-operation: 1200 # How long (in milliseconds) should the freezing or unfreezing operation be allowed to take? # If this is set too high there may be noticeable lag spikes when we freeze mobs. maximum-operation-time: 300 # At most how many mobs should be unfrozen in any given operation? unfreeze-limit: 100 # Should we keep a list of chunks containing frozen mobs in them, so we may be able to unfreeze them if the plugin doesn't shut down correctly? # Keep this as true if you think you'll uninstall this plugin at some point. This will allow you to unfreeze all the frozen mobs in your world easily. keep-frozen-chunk-cache: true # On startup, should we unfreeze mobs which were not unfrozen previously? # Warning: this operation loads chunks and therefore can cause a lot of lag. unfreeze-cached-chunks-on-startup: false # Every how many ticks should we unfreeze these mobs? ticks-per-cached-chunk-unfreeze: 40 # Do you use Paper? If so, do you want this task (the cache unfreezing task) to run in a more efficient manner? use-paper-get-chunk-async: false # Should we only freeze mobs that are in large groups, ignoring single mobs? # This is good if you want to freeze large player-made farms, but don't want to freeze random monsters in the world. group-bias: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and freeze EVERYTHING in accordance to the other options? # Set to 0 to disable this option. group-bias-tps-threshold: 0 # If there are any more than the group-minimum-size number of mobs within group-maximum-radius of each other this will constitute a group of mobs, which will be frozen if the server starts lagging. group-minimum-size: 10 group-maximum-radius: 8.0 # Should we scale the maximum radius and minimum size required of a group depending on how much the server is lagging? use-smart-scaling: true # When we freeze mobs should we say so in the server console? broadcast-to-console: true # When we freeze mobs should we tell people with the permission 'saml.notify'? broadcast-to-ops: false # Should we stop mobs from targeting mobs that are frozen? # This includes things like zombies attacking frozen villagers and baby animals following frozen adult animals. prevent-targeting-frozen: true # Should we stop mobs from being able to damage frozen mobs? prevent-damaging-frozen: true # Should we stop players from being able to damage frozen mobs? prevent-player-damaging-frozen: false # Should we unfreeze mobs when the chunk they are in is unloaded? unfreeze-on-unload: true # Should we unfreeze all the loaded mobs when the plugin shuts down? unfreeze-on-shutdown: true # Should we unfreeze mobs when interacted with by a player? unfreeze-on-interact: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and not unfreeze mobs that are interacted with? # Set to 0 to disable this option. unfreeze-on-interact-tps-threshold: 0 # Should we unfreeze mobs when they take damage? unfreeze-on-damage: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and not unfreeze mobs that take damage? # Set to 0 to disable this option. unfreeze-on-damage-tps-threshold: 0 # Should tamed mobs (cats, dogs, horses, etc.) never be frozen? ignore-tamed: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and start freezing mobs that are tamed? # Set to 0 to disable this option. ignore-tamed-tps-threshold: 0 # Should we ignore mobs named with a name tag? ignore-named: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and start freezing mobs that are named? # Set to 0 to disable this option. ignore-named-tps-threshold: 0 # Should mobs that are leashed never be frozen? ignore-leashed: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and start freezing mobs that are leashed? # Set to 0 to disable this option. ignore-leashed-tps-threshold: 0 # Should mobs that are in love mode (breeding mode) never be frozen? ignore-love-mode: true # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and start freezing mobs that are in love mode? # Set to 0 to disable this option. ignore-love-mode-tps-threshold: 0 # At what distance (in blocks) should we not freeze mobs that are within that distance of a player? # Set to 0 to disable this option. ignore-player-proximity: 0 # Below that TPS should we ignore the option above and start freezing mobs that are close to players? # Note that this is quite an expensive check. If you have a lot of players it may make the freezing operation last significantly longer. # Set to 0 to disable this option. ignore-player-proximity-tps-threshold: 0 # We will never freeze mobs of this type. # Put mobs that might be in danger if frozen here, like villagers. # See for a list of types. # This is CaSE SenSiTIVe, it needs to be in all CAPS! never-freeze: - VILLAGER - WANDERING_TRADER - PILLAGER - VINDICATOR - VEX - WITCH - RAVAGER - ILLUSIONER - EVOKER # Below what TPS should we ignore the option above and start freezing mobs on this list? # Set to 0 to disable this option. never-freeze-tps-threshold: 0 # If the server is lagging, we will always freeze mobs of this type. Even if they're not in a large group. # Put mobs that are resource hogs here, like water mobs. # See for a list of types. # This is CaSE SenSiTIVe, it needs to be in all CAPS! always-freeze: - COD - SALMON - TROPICAL_FISH - PUFFERFISH - TURTLE - SQUID - DOLPHIN # We will never freeze mobs in these worlds. ignore-world: - example_world_the_end
Commands and permissions
- /saml - Base command for the plugin, tells you the version.
- /saml reload - Reloads the config files for the plugin.
- /saml stats - Displays the total number of frozen mobs server-wide and per world.
- saml.saml - Gives access to the /saml command.
- saml.notify - You will be notified when a freezing operation begins and ends (If enabled in config).
The plugin will run for versions between 1.9 and 1.14. However, not all features are available for lower versions. Below version 1.13 it is not possible to use the ignore-love-mode or use-paper-get-chunk-async options in the config. This is because it uses API which did not exist at the time. Unfortunately, 1.8 will never be able to be supported as the main API we use to 'freeze' mobs did not exist in 1.8.
You will require Java 8 to run this plugin.
Please note: If you disable unfreeze-on-unload and unfreeze-on-shutdown in the config, frozen entities will be saved to your world. If you then uninstall the plugin these entities will not be unfrozen. If you don't want either of these options enabled, and if you think you're going to uninstall the plugin at some point, it is recommended to have the 'keep-frozen-chunk-cache' option in the config set to true.