Easy Spawn


This is a very is light-weight plugin used for setting a spawn point for the server. It is extremely easy to use and install! All you have to do its /setspawn and /spawn!


Extremely easy usage! The commands are:

/spawn [Teleports a player to spawn]

/setspawn [Sets the spawn of the world]


  • easyspawn.spawn
  • easyspawn.setspawn


When first starting the plugin, you will receive a "Null" message when you try and use commands, a simple fix for this is to configure the plugin with colors and your own text!

Contact Information

You can always send in tickets with bugs/problems. I got a twitter! @Strobe_Dev


I am currently out of idea's for what to add to this plugin! Post a comment in the comment section below this and tell me what you want to see!