Spawn Commands


Simple Spawn

* What does it do?
Simple Spawn adds spawn commands
* How do i use it?
It's very simple to use it.
  1. Download and put it in your plugins folder
  2. Run your server
  3. Setup permissions (and config. See bellow)
  4. Run again and have fun teleporting!
* Permissions

spawn.set ==> ======Allow player to set spawn world======

* Configuration
If u have a different world for spawn, change the "Spawn_World" in config file for your spawn world name. Example: your spawn world folder name: Worldspawn in config must be: Spawn_World: Worldspawn
* Commands

/spawn ==> ======Teleport player to spawn======

/spawn set ==> ======Set server spawn======

* Compatibility
Last time I checked, the plugin is compatible with bukkit 1.7.2 and 1.7.4. Obviously for Spigot versions 1.7 + are compatible.