BASIC Warp Commands


Basic Warp

* What does it do?
This plugin adds warps commands. If u want to make teleport spots in your server, use this plugin!
* How do i use it?
It's very simple to use it.
  1. Download and put it in your plugins folder
  2. Run your server
  3. Have fun making warps!
* Permissions

bw.manage => Administration permission

bw.nocooldown => Allow player to skip cooldowns.

* Configuration

timer.seconds: Cooldown time in seconds.

To change the config please run once with the newest version then stop the server.

* Commands

/warp {warp name} ==> ======Tp player to warp {warp}======

/warp set {warp name} ==> ======Create a new warp with name {name}======

/warp delete {warp name} ==> ======Delete a warp======

/warp perm {warp name} {permission} ==> ======Defines the permission needed to use a warp======


Don't forget to use signs! "[Warp]" on the first line and the name of your warp on the second line!

Signs don't bypass permissions.

Self-Explanatory video
Coming soon:

-Teleport countdown

* Compatibility
This build was compiled with Java 8 and the latest Spigot release