Simple Chat Channels

Simple Chat Channels


SimpleChatChannels brings the functionality of IRC style chat channels to minecraft.
Using SimpleChatChannels one can easily create or remove public or private chat channels, set channel topics, remove unwanted users from channels and more.
With ever-expanding features and increased configurability, simplechatchannels can help to manage the noisiest of servers.

Updating to 0.7?

Remember to delete StorageConfig.yml in your SimpleChatChannels plugin directory, as the format for storing data has changed slightly.

To Do:
 • Colours in channel topic
 • Paginated channels list
 • Option to list users in channel upon join
 • Option to join a default channel upon joining server
 • SQL + SQLite support
  1. Download the .jar
  2. Place the .jar in your plugins directory
  3. Restart the server
 • SilenceGeneralChat - Silence general server chat when in a chat channel
 • PublicJoinPartMessaes - Broadcast join / part messages to whole server
 • ChatPrefix - Define the chat prefix for users in a channel

 • /scc - Main menu Channels
 • /addchan (channelname) - Add/Create a channel
 • /addchan -L (channelname) - Add/Create a locked channel
 • /delchan (channelname) - Delete a channel
 • /joinchan (channelname) - Join a channel
 • /partchan (channelname) - Part (LEAVE) a channel
 • /kuser (channelname) (playername) - Kick a user from a channel
 • /topic (channelname) (topic) - Set a channel topic
 • /spychan [channelname] - spy on all/specific channel conversation
 • /adduser (channelname) (playername) - Add a user to a locked channel's Access List
 • /deluser (channelname) (playername) - Delete a user from a locked channel's Access List
 • /addowner (channelname) (playername) - give a user owner rights to your channel
 • /delowner (channelname) (playername) - remove a user's owner rights to your channel
 • /chanlist - List channels
 • /chanlist -o (channelname) - List channel's owner list
 • /chanlist -a (channelname) - List channel's access list
 • /chanlist -p (channelname) - List which channel a user is in

 • scc.addchan - ability to create a channel
 • scc.join - ability to join a channel
 • scc.chanlist - ability to view the channel's list
 • scc.spychan - ability to spy on all/specific channels
 • scc.admin - ability to administrate all channels
 • scc.reload - ability to reload the config

                                               Thankyou for your Kindness & Support! :D Change-Log:
- BugFix: Channel members not notified of a user parting the channel.
- Updated for Spigot API 1.10.2
- Added /spychan command
- Bugfix: Joining a channel while already in another channel
- Updated Menu
- Updated Channels list
- Added Channel topics
- Added Configurable Chat Prefix
- Added flag (-p) to chanlist for finding a user
- Added configurable public notice on user joining/parting a chat channel
- BugFix: Players not leaving channel upon quit/disconnect
- Updated for 1.3
- Fixed bug with creating locked channels
- Fixed bug with case-sensitive channel names
- Updated appearance and output
- Code clean-up and minor bugfixes
- Updated missing/broken sanity checks