A simple API class to create complicated ItemStacks with only one line of code
This is an API for Developers not a plugin!
>> For Bukkit/Spigot 1.8 - 1.17
>> For Bukkit/Spigot 1.8 - 1.17
How to use?
- Just download the Item class here and copy it into your project
- done!
- Create banners
- Use player and custom skulls
- Hide enchantments
- Set items unbreakable - Only for Spigot (any version) or Bukkit (1.11 and above)
- Brew custom potions
- Use custom enchantments
- ...
// Create a simple potato ItemStack item = new Item(Material.POTATO).build();
// Let's give the potato a name ItemStack funnyItem = new Item(Material.POTATO).setDisplayname("§6Funny potato").build();
// A player head ItemStack playerHead = new Item(Material.PLAYER_HEAD, (short) 3, Item.ItemMeta.ItemMeta).setOwner(player.getUniqueId()).build();
// And whatever this is ItemStack customHead = new Item("723863981895b104c1b29c9f5f427ae0a0ede464584587068fb1593a27d").build();
// Here's something more complicated... ItemStack fast = new Item(Material.GOLDEN_PICKAXE).setDisplayname("§b§o§k..§e§l Fast §b§o§k..")</div> .setLore("§6§lSwoooooshhhh", "", "§7Efficiency §7§k99999")</div> .addEnchantment(Enchantment.DIG_SPEED, 10) .hideFlags() .setUnbreakable() .build();
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