The simplest way to protect your server
Commands + Permissions | Configuration | Example server
- SimpleTowns uses chunks to create towns that only town members can build / destroy in.
- There are just 2 town member ranks: Leaders and Citizens.
- Leaders use commands to manage the town chunks and build rights.
- Create towns
- Town leaders claim chunks for towns (from bedrock to the top of the map)
- Town leaders can claim as many chunks as they like
- Players can join as many towns as they like
- Only town members can build in town chunks
- Multi-world compatible
- "Mines" - Players can build below a certain Y value outside of towns.
- Logging - Log all player actions related to SimpleTowns
- Easily configurable messages - translate and localise!
- Aliases - Use /town, /towns, /simpletown, or /simpletowns
- SimpleTownsEconomy - Buy towns and claims, get refunds for unclaiming!
- SimpleTownsExtras - Other useful extras!
- Coming soon - always open to suggestions!
- If your players can't build, please check permissions!
- General comments - BukkitDev comments section
- Issues - GitHub or BukkitDev ticket system
- Other - PM or email (email is best for anything really)
Recommended Plugins
- Github:
- Personal website:
- My server (please join!):
I will add any requests people have, so long as it makes sense and doesn't overcomplicate the plugin.
Any feedback is useful. Thanks!