


Simple Tp

- a plugin to provide quick and easy use of /tp


This plugin is nothing more than whats on the box, a tp plugin with the functionality of a plugin pack's tp in a small and easy to use plugin.

The plugin has 2 Main commands and 2 help commands. The plugin will automatically find the closest name if you do /tp alex(for /tp alexcoolrocks).


Simply put the .jar in your plugins folder. IT DOES NOT GENERATE A FOLDER, THERE IS NO NEED. Your done :-)


There are a total of 4 commands in the plugin right now. Its that simple! Key: [ ] = Needed

  • /tp [player]

This command allows the user to teleport to a player e.g /tp alexcoolrocks - Teleport to alexcoolrocks



  • /tp [player1] [player2]

This command makes [player1] teleport to [player2] e.g /tp alex tdog - Teleport alexcoolrocks to tdog6873

PERM: simpletp.tp1to2(new since 2.0 update)


  • /tphelp

This allows the user to see the SimpleTp help



  • /tphelpadmin

    This shows SimpleTp admin help. Includes quick permissions, shows bukkit version,plugin version and commands.

    PERM: simpletp.tphelpadmin



    Here are the permissions! The first two are permissions that include other permissions e.g simpletp.*

  • simpletp.*
  • This permission is recommended for admins and includes the admin menu,normal menu,all tp commands.


  • simpletp.user
  • This permission is recommended for users and includes the normal help menu,all tp commands.


  • Gives access to /tp [player]. So the player can tp to a player


  • simpletp.tp1to2
  • Gives access to /tp [player] [player]


  • simpletp.tphelpadmin
  • This is permission is for admins to access the Admin SimpleTp Help Menu


    Thanks for looking at this page! If you like the plugin please leave a comment and if you have any issues please create a ticket!

    My other plugins:

    - SimpleFlip

    - SimpleBukkitInfo

    - SimpleHeal

    If you need a minecraft server thats good and all that join Orbix

    Plus I own the server with some others so say hi!

    Suggest plugins in the comments and I might make it