Sketch Map
About SketchMap
SketchMap is a plugin designed to allow players to put images from the web onto a single or array of maps. These maps can be added to ItemFrames to complete the image and create awesome visual displays in vanilla minecraft.
SketchMap is currently built using Spigot 1.8 but should run perfectly fine on all current 1.8 versions of Bukkit. Now runs on Java 7!
Creating a new SketchMap via URL
- Upload your desired image using a online tool like Imgur and copy the image URL.
- Now use the command "/sketchmap create <map-name> <URL> [Resize-X]:[Resize-Y]" Use Ctrl+V to paste an Image URL
- All done! SketchMap will split your image into 128x128 pixel chunks! You can place this image directly on a wall you are looking at using "/sketchmap place <map-ID>" or you can use "/sketchmap get <map-ID>" to get your map as individual maps.
Creating a new SketchMap via File
- Drop your desired image into the SketchMap plugin folder.
- Now use the command "/sketchmap import <map-name> <filename.ext> [Resize-X]:[Resize-Y]" Use Ctrl+V to paste an Image URL
- All done! SketchMap will split your image into 128x128 pixel chunks! You can place this image directly on a wall you are looking at using "/sketchmap place <map-ID>" or you can use "/sketchmap get <map-ID>" to get your map as individual maps.
Commands & Permissions
- /sketchmap create <MAP-ID> <URL> [RESIZE-X]:[RESIZE-Y] - Creates a new SketchMap using image @ URL
- /sketchmap create <MAP-ID> <FILENAME.ext> [RESIZE-X]:[RESIZE-Y] - Creates a new SketchMap using a file in the SketchMap plugin directory
- /sketchmap get <MAP-ID> - Get a loaded map as Map Items
- /sketchmap place <MAP-ID> - Place a Map directly on the block you are looking at
- /sketchmap delete <MAP-ID> - Delete a loaded map
- /sketchmap list - List all current SketchMaps
- /sketchmap help - Display Plugin Information
Permissions (Requires Vault - Otherwise OP is required)
- sketchmap.create
- sketchmap.import
- sketchmap.get
- sketchmap.delete
- sketchmap.list
YouTube Video Tutorial Coming Soon!
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SketchMap is in early release - Post any bugs in the comment section below and we will fix them ASAP
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