Skin Statue Builder

Skin Statue Builder


Skin Statue Builder

Ever been too lazy to build the statue of your best builder of the server? Or do you just want some great let's player as a big statue on your server, but can't seem to remember how he looks like? This plugin is just for you! It downloads the skin of the desired player and "converts" it into a big statue out of blocks! Be aware, that it won't work every time perfectly, the colors may not match the real ones (read the "how it works" section and you'll understand, why).

How it works

  1. Downloads the skin of the player (.png image file)
  2. reads every pixel of the converted png and calculates the coordinates relative to your current position.
  3. builds the blocks in the direction you are looking

If the plugin doesn't find a color, a white wool block will appear instead.


Skin Statues Skin Preview MobStatues


/skin [name]builds a
/skin undoundo last skin built by you
/skin smoothadds human skin colors with wood after you built a skin with /skin [name]
/skin [name] claybuilds a skin in clay
/skin [name] glassbuilds a skin in glass
/skin [name] allbuilds a skin in all blocks mode (deprecated)
/colortest startdetermines how many colors are supported by the plugincolortest.colortest
/colortest statusshows the results after a colortestcolortest.colortest
/skinload [name]builds a skin from file (normal mode)skins.load

Building Mobs

/mobstatue [type]builds a mob
/mobstatue undoundo a mob
/mobbuild [type]builds a mob


  • more mob statues
  • Add extra things like diamond helmets
  • Recode

Green bullets are already done, yellow ones still in development.


[ENGLISH] TheTrappedGamer's video tutorial:

[GERMAN] My Video:

[GERMAN] BukkitDe's plugin review: link.

[PORTUGESE] You can find a Portugese/Brazil video tutorial here, Thanks to AbsintoJ for doing it!

[SPANISH] You can find a Spanish video review here.

[ENGLISH] Here's another english video review: link.

[ENGLISH] Another good english video review link.

[GERMAN] German review for the latest version link.

[ENGLISH] Last English review. link.

[SPANISH] Spanish review link.

[ITALIAN] link

Additional Information

/skin smooth has a magic effect on many skins, as it adds human skin with wood (birch) and finishes the skin. Use it after you built a skin with /skin [name].

Of course this only works for premium accounts.

My github, where you can also find the source code: Github

There's also an auto-updater included which you can turn off in the config. I don't recommend that though ;)


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

Have fun! :)
