All players get cookie with special knockback and have to kick all others out of the arena (to fall to void). Each knocked player means one point for you and you win when you gain a specified number of points.
Help for server admins:
- tested for spigot 1.8
- tested for spigot 1.10.2
- tested for bukkit 1.13.1
- known problems with signs on bukkit - use spigot instead
- github:
- Bukkit url:
- Slaparoo map:
How to use:
- copy the plugin to your plugins dir
- reload or restart the server
- reconfig the plugin in Slaparoo dir in plugins dir
please give me your feedback via comments!
Help for Admins:
- /sl join <username> - let the given player join slaparoo
game sign placement:
- use command /slaparoosign on
- place the sign
- it should have authomatic text with slaparoo info
- use command /slaparoosign off