[ONELINER:Complete customization for sleep related features (messages, idle players, rewards, force, etc.)]
[ > Features | Commands | Configuration | Permissions ]
- Customizable broadcast messages for all sleep related events
- Ignore idle players from preventing sleep
- Force sleep when minimum percent and/or count of players are in bed
- Customizable reward system for using a bed to pass the night (health, experience, effects, etc.)
- Allow sleeping with a temporary bed that does not affect respawn location
- Ignore underground players below a configurable depth from preventing sleep
- Fast forward night time relative to how many players are in bed
- Disable sleep but still allow a bed to set respawn location
- Always ignore specific players for sleep (bots/admins, uses permissions)
- Force sleep when specific players enter a bed (uses permissions)
- On-demand sleep status with the /sleep command (who is not in bed)
- Force sleep manually with the /sleep.force command (requires permission)
- Full multi-world support
If you are having trouble determining why something isn't working, set log-level: ALL
in the /plugins/Sleep/config.yml file and restart your server. Wait for the problem to reoccur then paste the server.log file to somewhere like http://gist.github.com and post a comment here with a link to the paste.