**NOTE: Many commands are buggy on permission and Rank System is non-sense right now**
SMDMain is my first plugin that I learn about Java.
This plugin is the main core of my server come with many feature which help player and admin
This plugin come with many feature like:
- Spawn -> /spawn (/ts), /setspawn
- Warp -> /warp, /setwarp, /removewarp
- Login -> /login (/l), /register (/reg), /changepassword, /recover --> Can toggle in config
- Home -> /sethome, /home --> Come with custom nameable and limit amount
- Teleportation -> /tpr (with /tpaccept, /tpdeny), /world
- Economy -> /money, /paymoney, /givemoney, /takemoney
- Shop -> "Sigh shop" (Only avalible for admin)
From the example you can add data value after item name (like wool:1)
- LuckyClick -> Random item from sign with a quota
- Quota -> Quota for Home, LuckyClick, TPR
- Plate -> "for warping and performing command" (Support paying money (Only with economy system in this plugin)
- World Control --> /rain, /sun, /storm, /day, /midday, /night, /midnight
- Redeem Code --> /redeem, /setredeem, /resetredeem
- Chat --> /rank [At this time, Rank system is prefix on chat, join-left message and tablist. Not work with command yet!]
Countdown --> /countdown [countdown can hook BarAPI.If BarAPI is enable, cooldown will display at boss bar!]
- And More!: /fly, /heal, /freeze, /warn, /data, /mute, /report, /listreport, /checkreport, /clearreport, /wiki, /event, AutoSaveWorld
**Some features are under development**
Source Code
all of my code are up-to-date at my github here
Issue & Advisement
Issue: Report at Github here
Advisement: My facebook's fanpage here