General Information
SoaromaCM is a staff chat with chat filter capabilities. It has a chat filter and multiple staff channels with other features for chat filtration.
This is a new plugin so bugs may appear if you see one join my discord server and I will help you out.
6 separate staff channels
- Staff
- Helper
- Mod
- Admin
- Dev
- Builder
Blocked words check
Excessive Characters check
Whitelisted Characters check
Command spy
Mute server chat
Clear Chat
Bypass Permissions
- cm.mutechat.bypass
- cm.antispam.bypass
- cm.excessivechars.bypass
- cm.chatfilter.bypass
- cm.allowedChars.bypass
Channel Permissions
- cm.usechat {Give to all users using a channel}
Reload Permissions
- cm.reload
Extra command permissions
- cm.commandspy.see
- cmh {Switches to helper chat}
- cms {Switches to staff chat}
- cmm {Switches to mod chat}
- cma {Switches to admin chat}
- cmb {Switches to builder chat}
- cmd {Switches to dev chat}
- cmg {Switches to global chat}
- mutechat {Toggles server chat}
- commandspy {Toggles viewing of all player typed commands}
- cmreload {reloads config}
- clearchat
helper-prefix: '&8[&2CMH&8]'
helper-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to helper chat'
mod-prefix: '&8[&4CMM&8]'
mod-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to mod chat'
admin-prefix: '&8[&cCMA&8]'
admin-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to admin chat'
dev-prefix: '&8[&aCMD&8]'
dev-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to dev chat'
builder-prefix: '&8[&aCMB&8]'
builder-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to builder chat'
global-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to global chat'
noPermission: '&8[&4CM&8] &3No Permission'
staff-prefix: '&8[&eCMS&8]'
staff-toggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Set to staff chat'
allchannels-prefix: '&8[&6CMAC&8]'
invalidArgs: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Invalid arguments'
chatChannelFormat: '{channel-prefix} &5{player} &8-->&f {message}'
antiSpamCooldownMessage: '&8[&4CM&8] &3You must wait before sending another message!'
antiSpamCooldown: 3
unmutedChat: '&8[&4CM&8] &3You have unmuted the chat'
mutedChat: '&8[&4CM&8] &3You have muted the chat'
serverChatToggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Server chat has been toggled'
commandSpyToggle: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Command spy has been toggled'
commandSpyMessage: '&8[&4CM&8] &4{player} &3has typed the command &4{command}'
blacklistedCharMessage: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Your message contains a blacklisted character'
blacklistedWordMessage: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Your message contains a blacklisted word'
excessiveCharacterMessage: '&8[&4CM&8] &3Please type your message without the excessive
excessiveCharacterLimit: 3
allowedChars: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\|;:'',<.>/?" '
antiSpam: true
enableAllowedChars: false
excessiveCharactersCheck: true
clearOpChats: false
chatFilterCheck: true
directChatFilter: true
containFilterCheck: false
smartChatFilter: true
- PutSwearWordsHereSuchEtc
The filter chat has multiple checks in it
For example the, directChatFilter, smartChatFilter and containFilterCheck
each one can false flag more likely than the other, for example
containFilterCheck will check throughout the entire message for that specific word you blocked (most likely to false) is disabled upon first default configuration
directChatFilter is when a word is seperated by a space and it checks that word directly (least likely to false)
smartChatFilter is when it will clean up some of the messages and then check from there between spaced words (least likely to false)
enableAllowedChars is when a message is typed in-game and if the message does not contain characters from allowedChars, the message is blocked, upon default this check is disabled
antiSpamCooldown is the seconds before a user can type another message
If you found a bug or just need general support, message me on discord and I will try to help you as soon as possible
Discord server is