Soul Shards

Soul Shards
Soul Shards is a recreation of the classic Soul Shards mod. This plugin adds in 2 items to the game, Soul Shard and the Soul Cage. The Soul Shard allows you to start capturing the souls of any monster/animal, you can then increase the shards tier by killing more of the bound mob.
By default, the shard has 5 tiers each one makes it react differently when spawning entities. Stats of the tiers are configurable. To make the shard actually spawn the mobs you would need to put the shard into the soul cage.
Kill more mobs to get a higher tier shard, with this higher tier you can have more mobs spawning and even not need to be within 16 blocks.
Tiers are configurable but by default there's 1-5 starting at 64 and doubling each time. Tier 5 allows for players to be more than 16 blocks away while being active.
Server management
To still keep lag under control the cages only spawn in a loaded chunk alongside this you can set a limit of spawned mobs in these chunks with the config. The limit will only apply to Soul Shard mobs and not others!
/soulshards give <player> <mob> <tier> - Give a player a soul shard
/soulshards give <player> cage - Give a player a soul cage
/soulshards killall - Kill all Soul Shard spawned mobs
/soulshards debug - Get information and timings
  # Possible methods of saving; 'flatfile', 'mysql', 'mongodb'
  # MongoDB is not implemented yet
  method: 'flatfile'
  host: 'localhost'
  port: 3306
  user: 'user'
  password: 'password'
  # Collection in Mongo
  database: 'soul_shards'
  serverTimezone: 'UTC'

# Maximum number of SoulShard spawned entities in a spawner chunk. Set to 0 to disable the check
maxMobs: 100

# Shows some information in a hologram
hologramsEnabled: true

# Allows kills of mobs from soul shard spawners to be counted towards players soul shards.
# This is NOT recommended as it can really kill the point of the grind.
allowShardSpawnerKills: false

# Allow users to consume spawners to upgrade their soul shard tier. It will always go to the minimum amount of kills
# for that tier.
spawnerConsuming: true

# These are mobs that will not count towards users shards.
# You can find the different mob types here:
# If you wish to not send a message to the player when killing said mob
# (if they have an empty shard) then set the 'message.enabled' to false.
    enabled: true
    - 'ender_dragon'
    - 'wither'

# Tiers, by default these are 1-5
# kills           - The kills are the amount of kills needed to achieve this tier
# spawnDelay      - The amount of time elapsed between each spawn
# spawnAmount     - The amount of mobs spawning every second.
# redstoneToggle  - Give the ability to toggle the spawner on or off using a redstone current
# ignoreDistance  - If the spawner should NOT respect the default spawner limitation of a requiring a player within 16
#                   blocks
    kills: 64
    spawnDelay: 5
    spawnAmount: 2
    kills: 128
    spawnDelay: 4
    spawnAmount: 4
    kills: 256
    spawnDelay: 3
    spawnAmount: 5
    kills: 512
    spawnDelay: 3
    spawnAmount: 5
    redstoneToggle: true
    kills: 1024
    spawnDelay: 2
    spawnAmount: 10
    redstoneToggle: true
    ignoreDistance: true
If you feel like supporting me then please click that donate button. Any amount is appreciated! Help me buy pizza that I will eat while developing these plugins :p