Specified Break


Specified Break - A plugin that realizes minecraft!

Don't break trees with your hands, silly!

What is specified break?

SB is a bukkit server plugin that will allow server admins to block the breaking of a certain block with a certain item. For example, making it so that logs can only be broken by axes. Or pickaxes can only mine stone. The possibilities are endless!

How to use?


  • Download latest version
  • Put into plugins folder
  • Reload/start server
  • Edit config to your needs
    • Note: If you are going to change a value in the config, shut down the server first, change the config, then start the server back up.

Making blocks be able to be broken by certain item(s)


  • Option 1:
  1. Add a block to the config. Do /sb addblock <block_name> <type>
    • Note: Type can be "only" or "but"
  2. Add an item to that blocks list. Do /sb additem <block_name> <item_name>
  • Option 2:
  1. Do /sb additem hand. What ever you are looking at will be the block, and the item you are holding will become the item. Default type will be only. This command can also be used to add an item to an already existing block in the configuration. Example: I am holding an Apple and I look at dirt. I run the command. Now dirt has been put in the config and Apple is the item it can be broken by.


The unedited config file looks like this:

    type: only
    - IRON_AXE
    type: but
msgEnabled: true
cannotBreakMessage: '&bYou cannot break %b with %h silly!'

Let me explain on how to edit/add blocks to configure. In this example, we have two blocks in the config: COBBLESTONE and IRON_ORE. Cobblestone is the type "only". This means that any items listed under cobblestone are the items you MUST use to break cobblestone. In this case, cobblestone can ONLY be broken by an IRON_AXE.

IRON_ORE is the type "but". This means that any items listed under iron ore are items that cannot be used to break IRON_ORE. In this case, IRON_ORE can be broken by any item BUT a diamond or iron pickaxe.

    type: only

Simple huh? The above config setup allows STONE to ONLY be broken by a Wooden Pickaxe.

Block Types

You may have noticed that under each block in the config, there is a value called type. This value can either be "only" or "but". Here is how it works. The type "only" means that any item listed under that block can ONLY break that block. The type "but" means that any item can break that block BUT the items listed.

Config Values

The "cannotBreakMessage" value can contain color codes, such as "&4" in the value. The values '%b' and '%h' will be automatically replaced with the block the player is trying to break and the item in their hand respectively.


  • Block certain tools from breaking certain things
  • Enable creative mode bypass
  • Option for enabling/disabling cannot break message
  • Easily remove/add tools with command
  • Suggest More!


  • /sb getname - This will get the full name of a block you are looking at.
  • /sb additem hand - Add the item you are holding, to the item list of the block you are looking at
  • /sb additem <block_name> <item_name> - Add an item to the item list of a block
  • /sb addblock <block_name> <type(only/but)> - Add a block to the configuration and set its type
  • /sb settype <block_name> <type> - Set the type of a block
  • /sb removeitem <block_name> <item_name> - Remove an item from the block
  • /sb removeblock <block_name> - Remove a block from the config
  • /sb updateconfig - Updates config with hashed information
  • /checkitems - Shows the restrictions of the block you are looking at


  • specifiedbreak.admin - All commands
  • specifiedbreak.bypass - Bypass checks
  • specifiedbreak.check - Allows usage of checkitems command


  • Requiring players to have a certain amount of EXP to mine a certain thing(toggle-able)