What is Speedy Gonzales?
Speedy Gonzales solves your Speedy needs by giving players Speed and Jump Boost (configurable) by letting the player decide when they want it by simply right clicking the stick in their inventory. The stick when activated, turns into a blaze rod and will give the player Speed without those annoying FOV increases!
Plugin Features
✓ Super Light-Weight
✓ Complete Customization
✓ Customizable Cool Downs
✓ Anti-Drop to prevent losing the item
✓ Sound Effects
✓ Supports 1.7 through 1.12
✓ Always notifies you of new updates
✓ Can give players Speed + Jump Boost
✓ No Annoying FOV increases due to Speed
Speedy Gonzales vs Other Speed Plugins
Commands & Permissions
/speedy help | speedy.help |
/speedy give | speedy.give |
/speedy take | speedy.take |
/speedy reload | speedy.reload |
/speedy source | None |
You need speedy.use to have the stick and use it!
# For extra information about the configuration and how it works you can visit # our bukkit page at dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/speedygonzales item-slot: 8 # The slot the stick should spawn in (0 = Hotbar #1) enabled-item-name:'&a&lFast Speed' # The item name when speed is enabled. disabled-item-name: '&6&lNormal Speed' # The item name when speed is disabled. enabled-message: '&6Speed &8┃ &7You will now walk &a&oFaster' disabled-message: '&6Speed &8┃ &7You will now walk &eNormal' cooldown-message: '&6Speed &8┃ &cPlease wait before doing that again!' reload-message: '&6Speed &8┃ &fYour config has been saved and reloaded.' give-message: '&6Speed &8┃ &fYou have &arecieved&f a Speed Stick! take-message: '&6Speed &8┃ &fYour Speed Stick has been &cremoved' Cooldown: true # Should players have to wait before using the stick? Cooldown-Message-Enable: true # Should a message appear if the cooldown is active? Jump-Boost: true # Should the stick also give you Jump Boost no-permission-message: 'Sorry, but you are not permitted to do that.' cooldown-amount-in-ticks: 25 # Amount of ticks until the player can use the stick again. Give-On-Respawn:true # Should the stick return upon death? Give-On-Join: true # Should the stick appear upon login? Dev-Join: true # Can the developer see your SpeedyGonzalas version? enable-anti-drop: true # Can the player drop this item. Update-Notify: true # Can you be notified when we have new amazing updates.