


NOTE: This is an upcoming plugin that I am writing for my server at the moment and will release it upon completion and after thorough testing.

SpoutATM is a ATM with a user-interface using Spoutcraft that allows users to emulate a real-world ATM machine with common options (and some not so common) options found on ATMs world wide. The point of this plugin is to add real-world feel and experience to the game as well as a functional utility for users to manage their money and not lose it upon death or muggers.


  • PIN Pad
  • View Balance
  • Currency Exchange (currently converts experience to money, and be changed to item in config file)
  • Withdraw / Deposit Money
  • View Recent Transactions


  • Fully command-based interaction for those who do not with to use Spoutcraft (As awesome as it is...)
  • 2-way Currency Conversion (EXP/Item to Money or vice-versa...)
  • Not sure what else, but I welcome ideas