

Dedicated to growing trees that you so wish desire! -Make your own custom trees from anything you want! -Built in commands making your life much easier. Spree Can also Generate Trees In World


Please Backup your world before attempting to use this plugin! Although its safe to use, you may not be confident enough to add your own trees too soon, its is ADVISED to test the plugin on your own test server to understand it. We will not be responsible for any damage that you cause to your map! This plugin also offers an optional dedicated SMP file for Morematerials created by Dunem This SMP will add upto 8 new fruit trees! You will of course need SPOUTPLUGIN + MOREMATERIALS to use this SMP. Simply place the SMP file into your morematerials/materials folder. This smp will be updated soon with more cool trees! We also recommend the CEP_Forester.smp packages available from morematerials.net forums.

Spree uses a simple but effective mechanism to add custom trees to your Legacy Spout plugin enabled server! Simply add the materials you want (using any materials plugin) for your tree, like the following.. - 1x Log Block Material - 1x Leaves Block Material - 1x Loots Drop block (To use with fruit trees) - 1x Sapling Material item When you have your own materials added and working on your server, simply use the following commands to create your new custom tree!

Commands /Spree Create [TreeType] [TreeLogBlock] [TreeLeavesBlock] [TreeSaplingBlock] [FruitBlock] - Creates Tree - Permissions Node : Spree.Create /Spree Set [ConfigPart] [Value] - Edits Config.yml File. Use /Spree Set list for List of Config Parts that you can Edit - Permissions Node : Spree.Set .

Spree Create Tutorial/Arguments

[TreeType] This is a simple number to indicate which SHAPE tree you want to grow! Use one of the following 8 designs.

  • 0 = Normal Default tree shape
  • 1 = Palm Tree shape
  • 2 = Large Jungle bush style
  • 3 = Small Jungle bush style
  • 4 = Small Bush (Inverted Upside-down)
  • 5 = Small Bush (Horizontal Growth X) (These Will grow Horizontal in the Direction of X)
  • 6 = Small Bush (Horizontal Growth Z) (These Will grow horizontal in the Direction of Z)
  • 7 = Tiny Tree Shape


Value: [XXXX] This is a 4 digit number. You should NOT use the 318:XXXX ID but only the XXXX id. You are REQUIRED to use the Spout/Flint ID number for your block. To get the ID for your block, hold it, and type /itemdb (if you have essentials), otherwise consult your plugins/Spout/itemMap.txt file in notepad, find your block in the itemMap, and use the ID on the left of the material name.


Value: [XXXX] This is a 4 digit number. You should NOT use the 318:XXXX ID but only the XXXX id. You are REQUIRED to use the spout/flint ID number for your block. To get the ID for your block, hold it, and type /itemdb (if you have essentials), otherwise consult your plugins/spout/itemMap.txt file in notepad, find your block in the itemMap, and use the ID on the left of the material name.


Value: [XXXX] This is a 4 digit number. You should NOT use the 318:XXXX ID but only the XXXX id. You are REQUIRED to use the spout/flint ID number for your block. To get the ID for your block, hold it, and type /itemdb (if you have essentials), otherwise consult your plugins/spout/itemMap.txt file in notepad, find your block in the itemMap, and use the ID on the left of the material name.


Value: [XXXX] - This is a 4 digit number. You should NOT use the 318:XXXX ID but only the XXXX id. You are REQUIRED to use the Spout/Flint ID number for your block. To get the ID for your block, hold it, and type /itemdb (if you have essentials), otherwise consult your plugins/spout/itemMap.txt file in notepad, find your block in the itemMap, and use the ID on the left of the material name. If You want to Make TreeType 7 Tree then using Leaves ID as FruitBlock ID For More Help Type Ingame Command /Spree help or /Spree ? Description By: Dunem

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