What is Simple Redstone Teleport?
Simple red stone teleport is THE single best way to give players in survival limited teleport abilities.
Simple red stone teleport is THE single best way to give players in survival limited teleport abilities.
Simple red stone teleport (srTP) is configurable teleportation mod that uses, you guessed it, red stone dust as its "catalyst".
A player simply has to hold a number (definable in the config) of red stone in their hand and click towards a block in the distance.
They will be teleported to that block if its not too far away (distance defined in the config), at a cost of some red stone.
Why Red Stone?
Have you ever played survival, PvE or factions and realized just how much red stone dust you have? Have you ever wanted red stone to be more useful, than just for circuits or potions?
- Configurable max cost
- Configurable max distance
- Combat checking
- Inside block checks
- Localization and custom messages
Configuration is very simple and straight forward
#SimpleRedstoneTP config #Burn (use) upto 4 pieces of redstone per teleport cost: 4 #Teleport upto 40 blocks distance: 40 #combat timeout time (seconds) for teleport combattimeout: 10 #Simple RedstoneTP messages # %c - cost, %d - distance, %t - timeouttime Messages: Prefix: '&f[&csrTP&f] ' ToggleOn: '&2Redstone teleport &f[&cenabled&f]!' ToggleOff: '&2Redstone teleport &f[&cdisabled&f]!' NoSpace: '&2Sorry, Not enough space to teleport there!' NoEnoughRedstone: '&2Sorry, You need &f[&c%c&f]&2 Red Stone to Teleport.' NotThere: '&2Sorry, you can''t teleport there!' CombatTimeout: '&2In combat! You can''t teleport for &f[&c%t&f]&2seconds'
- /srtptoggle - Toggles the ability on and off.
- srtp.player - Allow a player to use red stone to teleport.
1 Don't ender pearls already do this?
Why yes they do, smarty-pants. Simple redstone TP works differently since it uses RED STONE, which is more abundant. The whole point here is to create an extra use for RED STONE. In this case redstone isn't thrown to teleport it's simply used, you jump to a position you're aiming for - no damage or waiting.
2 I set the cost to 8, but I end up only using 5 or sometime 6 redstone, Why?
The amount of redstone required to teleport is now calculated based on, approximately, how many blocks you move.
For example:
cost: 8 distance: 40
A player will be use 8 redstone for moving 40 blocks, they'll only use 4 for 20 blocks and 2 for 10 blocks, etc.