- 0
Signs are not updated on start
#331 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
Database optimizations
#332 opened by Thorinwasher - 3
Large gate formats are parsed, but not detected.
#333 opened by Pheotis - 0
Materials in gate files appear to be case sensitive.
#334 opened by Pheotis - 1
Handling of Legacy & Rewrite jars.
#335 opened by Pheotis - 1 breaks pre 1.20 backwards compatibility
#338 opened by Pheotis - 1
The migrator is borked again.
#339 opened by Pheotis - 0
The rewritten core's backwards compatibility is lower than its `api-version`
#340 opened by Pheotis - 2
NITPICK: Stargate attempts to register a listener for org/bukkit/event/block/TNTPrimeEvent on 1.18.2
#341 opened by Pheotis - 0
When the destination portal is `F` and the setting charge free destination is disabled, an error message fails to print
#374 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
All portals are A gates.
#346 opened by Pheotis - 1
Plugin crashes when migrating invalid gate file present in world.
#342 opened by Pheotis - 0
StargateListPortalEvent is triggered asyncronously during `R` portal creation
#343 opened by Pheotis - 2
Commands broken on latest nightly.
#344 opened by Pheotis - 0
Migrator fails to handle block id changes.
#345 opened by Pheotis - 0
Parity command pointer
#353 opened by Pheotis - 0
Problems with the `.use` node.
#347 opened by Pheotis - 0
Failure to print `faultConflict` on gate frame conflicts.
#348 opened by Pheotis - 0
Incorrect error message for unauthorized network attachment.
#349 opened by Pheotis - 1
Liquid portal frames are updatable.
#350 opened by Pheotis - 0
Lit air is no longer air.
#351 opened by Pheotis - 3
Several faults fail to print
#352 opened by Pheotis - 1
Core is unusable on spigot.
#354 opened by Pheotis - 2
Edge case portal breaks core.
#355 opened by Pheotis - 0
Valid portal sign on invalid portal creates NFFE
#356 opened by Pheotis - 0
User not informed of faults in interserver syntax.
#357 opened by Pheotis - 6
The H flag is borked.
#359 opened by Pheotis - 0
Invalid flag fails notnull
#358 opened by Pheotis - 3
P flag behaviour
#360 opened by Pheotis - 1
Waterloggable portal frames enable unauthorized destruction.
#361 opened by Pheotis - 0
Respawn Anchor Destruction
#362 opened by Pheotis - 0
Anvils as a frame material.
#363 opened by Pheotis - 4
U partially broken on velocity.
#364 opened by Pheotis - 0
`unimplementedInterServer` prints incorrectly.
#365 opened by Pheotis - 2
`I` gates do not update.
#366 opened by Pheotis - 3
`I` Gates Can Conflict
#367 opened by Pheotis - 1
Adding unregistered flags to portals causes problems
#368 opened by Pheotis - 0
SQL Syntax Exception on MySQL 8.0.30
#369 opened by Pheotis - 1
Entity collision can cause the player to enter the destination portal (Cross server/world)
#370 opened by Pheotis - 1
Gate cooldown permission.
#371 opened by Pheotis - 1
U Gate Not Working After Server Restart
#372 opened by zincentimeter - 0
Case sensitive behavior for personal networks when migrating
#380 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
Stupid network name ruins the default network on migration
#379 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
Invallid handling of non living entitites which can now be leashed in 1.21
#375 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
Message is sent to user with placeholder content
#376 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
Stargate does not enforce one sign and one button for each gate when not modified by addon
#377 opened by Thorinwasher - 1
Stargate teleportation overridden monodimensionally by vanilla nether teleportation under inconsistant circumstances.
#378 opened by Thorinwasher - 2
Possible compat issue between stargate and myworlds.
#382 opened by Pheotis - 0
Stacktrace on load
#383 opened by Thorinwasher - 0
Fix the pipeline
#386 opened by Pheotis