- Right click to make any block disappear or be replaced without drops up to 50 blocks away.
- Left click to make any block disappear or be replaced with natural drops up to 50 blocks away.
Current features
Feature | Function |
/stickii delete | Deletes targetted block |
/stickii delete <id> | Deletes targetted block if it matches the ID chosen |
/stickii replace <id> | Will replace targeted block with ID chosen |
Planned features
Feature | Function |
/stickii explode | Will cause an explosion at the targeted block's location |
/stickii place <id> | Will place a block of the ID chosen on the face of the targeted block |
Permission | Function |
stickii.use.delete | Use of /stickii delete command |
stickii.use.replace | Use of /stickii replace command |
To determine popularity of versions, features, and lingering usage, plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system. If you don't want to help or are paranoid, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out to true.