Stomper allows players to have a new and creative ways to kill each other! When a player with the stomp permission falls the nearby mobs and players will take the damage of the player that just fell. If you jump from a high enough height you will be able to 1 shot kill all players around
the fall zone.
This plugin has one main feature and that is to allow players to "Stomp" other players and mobs. A stomp is when a player jumps or falls and hits the ground by other mobs or players. The other mobs or players then take the damage that normally would have gone to the player that just fell. This creates a fun way that players can kill each other. There are permissions and everything can be configured.
Note for Creator
This plugin will not have any new features coming out soon, the only reason for a update is if the plugin breaks in future version of bukkit. Stomper is a very simple light weight plugin and there for it is unlikely that users will have any problems with performance or bugs. Hope you Enjoy!
- Thank You, Scorbin60943
- /stomper help - Displays a simple help that shows player the stomper commands
- /stomper reload - Reloads the plugins config
- /stomper help - "" - op
- /stomper reload - "stomper.reload" - op
- The ability to "Stomp" - "stomper.stomp"
- Can not be stomped - "stomper.stomp.bypass"
Range - This determines how many blocks a player can get stomped from *Note that the range is dimensional and can go threw blocks
FallDamage - This is the amount of damage in half hearts that a player will take when they fall (Must have stomper.stomp permission)
FallForStomp - This is how much damage that a player must take during a fall In order to transfer the damage to the player and mobs around them
MustHitTarget - If true only reduces stomper's fall damage if they have a valid target( like a player of mob ), if false a stomper's fall damage will always be reduced even if they don't land any where near a valid target.
MobsCanBeStomped - If false Mobs cant be stomped, if true mobs can be stomped.
PlayersCanBeStomped - If false Players cant be stomped, if true mobs can be stomped.
ShiftingReducesDamage - If the targeted player is shifting the damage done to him/her by a stomp will be reduced
ShiftingReduction - The amount of reduction in damage if the target player is shifting, 0.5 is half damage and 2.0 is double damage
StompEffect - If true the stomp effect will be shown at stomp location
StompSound - If true the stomp sound will be shown at stomp location
None - If you find any please report them in the comments below.
Development Log
Version 1.2 - current version
- Added Stomp Sound
- Added Stomp Effect
- Updated to latest version
Version 1.1
- Removed permission "stomper.stomp" from ops
Version 1.0
- Code clean up
- Removed Command "/stomper config"
- Command "/stomper reload" functions properly and users can make changes to config and then use the reload command
- Last Update, any future updates will be if the plugin breaks due to a new version of bukkit
Version 0.6
- Minor Code Changes
- Added Config Option "ShiftingReducesDamage"
- Added Config Option "ShiftReduction"
Version 0.5
- Added Death Message
- Added Config Option "MustHitTarget"
- Added Config Option "MobsCanBeStomped"
- Added Config Option "PlayersCanBeStomped"
Version 0.4.1
- Fixed java 6 incompatibility
Version 0.4
- Fixed NumberFormatException with the "/stomper config" command
- Added permission "stomper.stomp.bypass"
Version 0.3
- Added Permissions
- Added command /stomper help
- Added command /stomper config
- Added command /stomper reload
Version 0.2
- Added config
Version 0.1
- Created plugin
- added stomp