

StopGen prevents the generation of new chunks, either altogether or after a certain range with configurable size, shape, and center in any given world. Each world has its own settings. This plugin handles it much more efficiently than other alternatives as it makes the server not try to constantly reload missing chunks.

Currently supported servers: 1.8-1.9

# Whether or not to stop all chunk generation in every world.
# If this is enabled, world settings below will be ignored.
all-chunks: false

# The list of worlds and their settings
  # Add more worlds by entering their name
    # The type of restriction to apply, can be "all", "box", or "radius"
    type: box
    # The size of the shape in blocks (not needed for "all")
    # Note that this ends up being distance from the center, so the radius
    # numbers are the X size followed by the Z size
    size: 1000, 1000
    # Where to center the shape on in block coordinates (not needed for "all")
    # numbers are the X coordinate followed by the Z coordinate
    center: 0, 0
Source Code